I've got a stub from one with Ernest Dennis v Barry Taylor. I'd love a front row seat and a wheelie bin full of popcorn. Oh and a seatbelt. Strap me in and turn the music down. Jean gets held back by James in a Jerry Springer style stage invasion. That Chinese woman on board trying to get through the wall of Doyle security guards. Conway and Chein just sat whispering to each other. Billy Bean turns up with a signed baseball bat. Dave Cooper shatting himself at how his half time impressions will go down due to the toxic crowd reaction to his new Chinese impressions. Meanwhile the capacity crowd are baying for blood as Redfearns Bar are told to pull the shutters down and stop serving on police advise. It's carnage ! Conway starts, using millions of words in answer to a simple yes or no question. James just uses a spreadsheet for his replies. Jeans still frothing at the mouth like a police German shepherd on matchday. Chein still not got a clue what's going on but looks happy. Bean is sat tapping the baseball bat in what can only be described as menacing. The Chinese woman, who nobody knows is eyeing a gap in the Doyle cordon to get at Jean. Conway is still answering the question but nobody is listening as they've moved on. The halftime bullsh1t bingo is nearly on us. I've already ticked off progress, continuity, business and plan so I'm on a winner as I've 4 corners. Dave Cooper has bottled it and done one. Then whoosh, tannoy announcement. It's time to go home, both legal teams have flown in and arrived from such places as the Camen Islands and Dodeth. Cancelled on legal advise. Tickets are though redeemable for the rematch. BFCST will be announcing details forthwith.... Crikey that was one furked up dream...
Is it on iFollow and covered by the season ticket - I might even stump up a tenner to watch it if it is only pay per view
I sometimes wonder myself. Disclaimer * No recreational drugs or otherwise were abused in the making of this post.