Maybe as selby says' they were allowing for the asymptomatic cases' either way' genuinely can't see where its a deadly pandemic..If your relatively fit' you should be fine and i think the numbers are and will prove this..
My girlfriend lives in Clayton West. i.e. Kirklees, where there are no cases. All this is horse ****. National testing is months away. We are governed by Boris. We are ******.
You lose 25kg running Jack Russells around Headlingly and your chasing Fillies around the countryside... well done.
It's not just deaths though, is it? How many survivors are going to have health problems that they wouldn't have had without becoming infected? The rise of childhood type 1 diabetes related to Covid is, if true, pretty terrifying. And it's not just those who really suffered who will have long term health problems. Some of those who only had mild symptoms are suffering months later. It's not binary, live or die. It's a disease that could have long term effects on victims for decades to come. To say that this disease is nothing is at best naive and at worst dangerous
As a 55 year old I'm unlikely to die of COVID. Unless an oncoming vehicle takes me out tryiing to navigate the pavements of Headingley. Young ******* walking 3 abreast down the street. I tell them to **** themselves as they do the same with a lot of old & infirm people. Total *******. No respect. Bet half of them voted Tory.
Be Lib Dem’s and Labourites around there! I’m unlikely to die of Clovid as well. I am the third fattest at training... with 20% body fat. Soon be a lean mean machine again* *cake, loose women, beer on the occasion I drink may affect this.
Sounds like a great regime. I'd make sure you eat the right cake & women & drink the finest wines known to humanity & you'll be OK.
The peak is obviously terrible but its shows we have had these sorts of spikes before. Also trending well down as we have seen with the excess death data for the last 8 weeks or so. Perhaps that's is now lower because a lot of those which Covid killed a few months ago (mostly very old people) would have naturally have been passing away now, but Sadly have already passed away. This isn't me trying to play down the current situation I just found in interesting. We had the media daily hitting us with death figures for a couple of months. Now they have fallen we are having the number of cases bombarded at us. I just would like a little more balance in the reporting. A possible resurgence in the winter months is worrying indeed. But right now things aren't actually that bad I just think that should be actually reported.
And for those that think being fit will keep you safe... Professional rugby players develop lung lesions after testing positive for COVID. It might not be fatal, but can mess you up for a while.
For balance "The club said the affected players needed at least another week of rest." Sounds like when you have a very nasty bug and takes some time to get over it.
Hopefully the local Tory MPs can get South Kirklees taken off restrictions. But then the health guy they need to talk to reckons it's safe to go back to the office and school even though hardly anyone has been to either for the past half a year to build up data to back his claims.
I've still got pain in my upper lung area and I'm still only half as fit as I was before. Puffing like mad walking up steps whereas I would run up them before. This is 3 months down the line. I'm not a super fit young rugby player though I guess.
Sorry to hear that. I have a friend who tested positive after being contacted by track and trace. He said he just though his hayfever was playing up as he is asthmatic and it sometimes leaves him short of breath. He was fine within a couple of days. I'm not trying to dismiss anything here, I'm sure it's awful for you just saying we need a bit of balance.
Yes I'm all for balance when it's a considered one. My wife who was shielding only had mild symptoms which was a blessing but statistically white females are significantly less likely to die than than their male counterparts.
Statistically most people will be fine I suppose. I found this interview from Spain interesting. Now i don't know the doctors motives and he doesn't seem happy. But I think it does show how some parts of the media are not interested in balanced reporting at all. We are doing well with infections compared to our neighbours in Europe. Now I have said many times we shouldn't worry about infections because it's making no difference to hospital admissions, deaths or 111 calls. But if we had 3715 in a day like Spain have just had then that would be a little worrying.
Local lockdown is under the control of Matt Hancock. The local Tory MPs were using it in an attempt to score political points off Andy Burnham the other week. Health Secretary Matt Hancock insists that offices are safe from COVID infection despite contracting COVID in an office himself.
Mmm... This doctor does not work in intensive care: his specialism is the digestive system and his job is to perform endoscopies. He also owns his own clinic so a huge agenda here with loss of income. He is also an author (looking for sales) and puts himself around on all the major social media platforms and is the go to person when the media wants a controversial or contrary view. This needs to be viewed with this in mind.