Hi everyone, lately i've been struggling with anxiety. Things like going to pubs, work and climbing ladders etc seem to set it on. I admit it is a stressful time in my life at the moment as we are expecting our first child and I am starting a new job soon. However it is not a new thing I have had it for a year or two now. I was wondering if anyone had any success taking herbal supplements to help relieve similar symptoms? Thanks everyone
I've suffered for many years with social anxiety along with deep bouts of depression too, due to some personal health issues recently these have been particularly bad, never tried an herbal remedies but find engaging with nature helps for me but everybody is different, good luck with finding something (s) that help you
You really need to see a doctor mate I've suffered with depression & anxiety for about 10 years it's no good trying fight it on your own drop me a inbox if you ever want to talk bending an ear always helps
I was on Citalopram when single. Sex is a good relief. I know that sounds like a jest but it really gets the endorphines going. Any exercise does. Most of all talking to people like you're doing. The anxiety doesn't get any easier when the baby is born but it's worth it. It's a different type of pressure, a good pressure you're supporting a family and have a purpose. Best wishes for when the little'un arrives and good luck with the new job
Is this for fun or your job? In all seriousness, mate. I've got OCD and I've tried herbal stuff, SSRIs, Benzos, Gaba, sleeping pills and job lot in the past. Exercise is the only thing that has really ever helped me consistently. Run 5k everyday now (pretty much). It isn't perfect but it helps. Mindfulness and meditation as well — always seemed like hippy ballax, but it does help let panicky thoughts drift away rather than fester. I use one called "Waking Up", which you can get for nowt if you just email em and ask for it. Talking to people also helps (family, friends, a professional, it doesn't really matter who).
If it feels overwhelming I would definitely ring your gp. I do however think the time we're living in is causing a sense of anxiety too, as is the realisation that your life will change forever as a parent. It's funny but before having my first child I was never scared of heights. Was supposed to be climbing the bell tower at Royston church at the gala and I just couldn't do it ( found out I was pregnant a week later!)
Sorry to hear that. I suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and mild depression for most of my thirties and I can relate to some of your issues. I never looked into herbal supplements but two simple things have helped me. Water - I eventually worked out that a lot of my issues came from being dehydrated. I consciously now ensure I always drink water to avoid this occurring. Walking - gentle exercising got me out of the house and gave my head space to process 'stuff'. I also think it helps regulate my breathing and assists with breathing properly (from the diaphragm)
There still seems to be a stigma around talking about getting help. But it's fine to talk to your doctor about it. Either they can do something or they can refer you to someone who can. Usually there isn't just a simple fix, but you can learn to handle it (coping mechanisms). You'd be surprised how many people have sought help before once you talk to people about it.
Thank you to you all for your replies and best wishes. I really appreciate it. I think i need to try and get myself back to the gym and I will give these herbal tablets a go. I never used to have a fear of heights i didnt like them but I wasnt afraid. Im now petrified and find myself freezing and shaking on ladders above the first story of a property. I will be doing work on boiler flues etc so I need to be comfortable working from ladders. Does anyone have any tips or conquering my fear? I must add im not too bad on scaffolding.
I have crippling anxiety and I know I should get help but I'm too anxious to do so! I've passed up loads of job opportunities (and even changed career) because of it, it's horrible. I've realised that tough love with myself (no, that's not a euphemism!) helps alongside Carrie Fisher's quote of 'Stay afraid but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” I seem to let it get a hold of me rather than just realising that everyone gets worried about stuff but then just power through, some singers for example are often sick before they go on stage as they're so scared but then they go out and no-one could ever tell. Me? If I was that scared I'd just tell myself that I couldn't and that would be the end of it. Reminding myself that Beyonce constructed a character of 'Sasha Fierce' in her mind to help her overcome it helps me, you'd never think that she needed to do that but look where she is now.
In all seriousness, I struggled massively with anxiety a few years ago. Go and talk to a doctor. Best thing I ever did making that first step. Rooting for you.
I have never thankfully suffered from anxiety, but especially when I was working found it really difficult to relax. When I went to bed my mind seemed to be in overdrive thinking of ways I was going to generate more business for my Organisation the next day. I consulted my GP who referred me to a specialist. She taught me a couple of exercises that helped me relax during the day and to get a good nights sleep once I turned in for the night. Where I worked we had several rooms where we could interview colleagues from other Organisations or Company representatives. They were let on a booking system. Every day during my lunch break I would reserve one of the rooms for a period of circa 20 minutes. If you think about it, as a human being what we can't ever do, is stop " thinking". I therefore used to turn the light off and sit in a comfortable chair and try to clear my mind of any thoughts. With my eyes shut, as any thoughts entered my head, I made a conscious effort not to hold onto them. After the session, I felt refreshed, relaxed and ready for whatever the rest of the day had to throw at me. At night, once in bed I did exactly the same thing but this time in addition, I tightened my toes then relaxed them before tightenening every part of my body and worked upwards until I reached my shoulders. It usually worked for me and in no time I was nodding off and regularly managed to get a good nights undisturbed sleep.
GP's are pretty useless pal , they just confirm what you already know. Yes go herbal by all means but research it first. You'll get confidence from the information provided and implementation by yourself. You know you better than anyone else.
Heyup mate. Sorry to hear. I honestly wish I could help but maybe if I told you how I cope with mine in some sort of way. I get it really bad. Basically just with people. I'm okay at matches ironically it's just around work. I end up doing something really daft and stupid and I feel like someone is laughing at me. But I ain't silly its just my anxiety takes over me and makes me do simplest of things stupid. Anyways recently going into work and I feel a wee bit better at times. like when I'm working ill sing my favourite songs in my head while I'm working. I've even sung a few Barnsley songs in my head. It really did liven me up. But all anxiety is different. Example: I'm opposite when It comes to climbing stuff like steps. I'm too ruthless as I don't worship my life much so I just do that and think f it. So don't think that's ever a bad thing. You're looking after yourself . worse bit is sleeping which ain't nice at all. I would recommend watch a few of your favourite videos of any of your hobbies or anything what makes you smile then you're going to bed with a smile.
I’ve really struggled with anxiety in the past but have been much better for a good couple of years. My main tips are: - learn to breathe, seriously, if you can control your breathing it will calm you down. Meditation is good for this, try the headspace app, it’s simple but it works if you stick with it - make sure you get enough sleep, and make sure it’s good quality sleep. For me, this means getting to bed early and relaxing, such as listening to podcasts so my mind isn’t working too hard just before bed. We’re expecting a baby soon too so going to have to monitor this closely - talk to someone, anyone. I’ve not yet met a person who’s not tried to help me when I’ve mentioned mental health, even if they don’t understand they will try and help. You’ll also work out who gives you good and bad advice. My DMs are always open if you need to talk - do the things you enjoy. I used to get really anxious about nights out and worked out it was due to peer pressure, now I only go out when I want to and my mates accept me for who i am
Ps I feel a whole lot better knowing the facts that I have bdp. I know the rate of suicide over it and its helped me an awful lot knowing it. So maybe get yourself checked out and honestly some stuff can sound serious but you feel amazed when the doctors give you the facts. I still don't understand bdp myself been diagnosed with it 10 year now. I hope you feel better soon as anxiety is the worst of the worst! In my opinion
I'm a registered mental health nurse, I have a lot of lived experience of anxiety and I am now a CBT therapist working with clients 1:1 for their various difficulties. Taking medications etc is just a sticking plaster in the long term I'm afraid IMO. It doesn't solve the root cause, it just masks it. This is both personal and professional experience. They might be a rung up on the ladder to allow you to make initial changes, but they dont solve it. They can also hinder therapy as clients cant totally confront their fears at times when taking them. Please consider referring yourself to your local IAPT service or ask your GP to do the same. Happy to provide any advice for anyone too