Why is the media not reporting on what is happening there and condemning it. Is it not as newsworthy as the boat stories.... http://rachaelswindon.blogspot.com/2020/08/gaza-under-attack-deafening-silence-of.html
This infuriates me. ‘Antisemitism’ is used all the time as a bashing stick against the left, and the label sticks. Take Corbyn for example. You can Google ‘50 times Jeremy Corbyn stood with Jewish people’ and quickly see he’s done more to stand up for them than most politicians, yet because he criticises the political and colonial decisions of the leaders of a sovereign state that just happens to be majority Jewish, he’s talked about like a Nazi. What gets me even more is how the likes of Starmer play into it. Apologising for the ‘issue’ and lending it credibility when he knows damn well it’s BS. The Labour left doesn’t hate Jews. The Labour left just thinks it’s wrong for 10 year old kids to be blown to bits for throwing rocks in anger after their house was bulldozed to make way for someone better off.
Everyone’s scared of saying something for fear of been labelled anti-semitic. I saw a Labour MP criticise it & he was jumped on by lots of people claiming they were retaliation strikes but there’s no evidence of it. One of them David Collier who has a large following is a nasty piece of work that goes after anyone he sees who criticises Israel & labels them anti-Semitic.
The same Rachael I mean Jon Cousins who has been suspended from Twitter for Anti Semitic tweets and have to make a grovelling apology, the same one who loves a nice trope about Jews and money and/or the Rothschilds, the same one who has shown solidarity to people like Scott Nelson (expelled for Anti Semitic comments) amongst others. The one who did a pre election tweet demanding that collectively Jews take responsibility for the actions of Israel which in its self is defined as anti Semitic ( implying all Jews are responsible for the actions of Israel,you wouldn’t tell all Hindus in Leicester they are responsible for Modi’s government) the same one who blamed the Syrian Civil War on the Rothschilds amongst many Ill thought out remarks through out the last few years... That one or a different one?
Depends who is brewing up. Anyway I am off to read Imperialism by John Hobson. Makes reference to a singular and peculiar race having behind them many years of financial experience. The 2011 edition has an excellent forward.