Whats more important ? The cop shooting which gets national coverage or this which doesn't ? https://thefederalist.com/2020/08/1...-blank-but-the-race-obsessed-media-dont-care/
You're missing the point. Yes, it's evil. But he has been charged with first degree murder, which is how the justice system is supposed to work. BLM came about because the murderers (especially police officers) of black victims are disproportionately getting away with it. That's the racial issue.
I keep reading this, but official FBI statistics, freely available online, do not support this hypothesis.
in 2017 there were 14,542 firearm homicides in the USA - thats an average of 40 per day - of course the media is selective about which ones are published The case in the OP whilst terrible is just so common in the USA its not really got much shock value - in this case the fact its a child makes it more newsworthy but then there were over 3000 of those in the USA in 2016 https://qz.com/1505227/guns-kill-more-more-us-children-per-year-than-cancer/ Thats why its not newsworthy
Couple of things - the point about it not being covered is ********, a 10 second search for Cannon Hinnant CNN confirms that the big networks have in fact covered it. Secondly the mother of the boy has stated that she doesn't believe it to be racially motivated.
Did you have to do a 10 second search to learn about the cop shooting ? no , because it was on uk tea time news , that's my point
Maybe that's because non race, non police related murders in America have never been newsworthy over here.
If a criminal robs a bank its not newsworthy because it is expected behaviour ... we leave the system to deal with it. If a policeman robbed a bank it is newsworthy because it is unexpected behaviour ... especially if the police don't charge them because they were on duty at the time.
Interesting that you've concluded the boys shooting wasn't racially motivated but that the man's was based on nothing but the fact one is employed as a police officer.
I don't know how anybody could spend more than five minutes on that website and still try to present it as a legitimate source of news.
With the "free press" model and now with social media, how are you going to enforce it? It has always been the case that the media will promote the stories that make them most money. Basically you're arguing for state run media, that went really well in Soviet Russia....
If you look at my posts in the other thread you can see that I definitely haven't settled on the man's murder being racist.
To be fair, Russia Today has done a good job of informing the British public about the "truth".... Or at least one surreal version of it.
That's not true by the way. Black people make up around 28% of all killings by police in America (which is high compared to population) however despite only making up 28% of deaths, in the last 15 years 60% of all officers convicted of murder or manslaughter have been for deaths of black people. That suggests they are massively disproportionately being found guilty for deaths of black people rather than disproportionately getting away with it.