UPDATE ON STREAMING 20/21 FIXTURES Club News Reds Reserved and Reds Reserved+ members will be able to watch Sky Bet Championship fixtures played behind closed doors. Continue reading on the official site...
If your a reds reserved plus member can you watch the weekend matches? That’s what it says on the website
It does say if EFL and broadcasting partners permit, to be fair. I imagine midweek yes, weekend no. But the club will still be finalising the BFC specific details.
seems bizarre that they’d restrict it for away games though. Just means people will find another way to watch it.
I imagine the idea is that away fans purchase through the home stream? More money to the 'hosting' club? Not sure. That's the only logic I can think of. Be a shame not to have Barnsley commentary though on away games, if that's what it means.
Despite we as a club putting our case forward for all away games being part of our Reserved+ package, it hasn't been permitted. So it appears that our Members will all get the home games and midweek aways. We're learning all this at the same time as you are. So in essence, you will get to see every game, but you'd have to pay a tenner for Saturday away trips. It's not what we wanted (as you point out, our own website weeks and weeks ago said ALL aways, subject to permission) but it is what it is. One has to assume the majority of clubs voted against it. Probably the clubs in the lower leagues if I had to guess. And this is guesswork on my part, but the wording of the EFL statement suggests there'll be streaming even if there are reduced numbers allowed into stadiums. So I'm taking that to mean that until we're back at 100% capacity. Which means folk who aren't comfy attending can still see the majority of matches, which in turn, should allow us to get as many fans into Oakwell as possible once government guidance allows (some time in October seems to be the rumoured date, but again, I'm working blind like you are). Can't wait to go through the fun of sending out thousands of codes again... But trust that we'll do our damnedest to help our fans during this period, as I hope we did previously.
It's one of the reasons I opted for the plus membership to get the away games. It'll be on ifollow on IPTV so I shouldn't miss out hopefully
Hopefully, you don't get lumbered with a pathetic, overweight Drama Queen throwing an unjustifiable hissy fit!
EFL being tight will just mean more people finding a stream somewhere to watch. You'd think at a time when I guess many Football fans at all clubs have got out of the habit of going and realised there are other things to spend your time and money on at a weekend, they would be doing more to keep fans interested.
Would imagine it's a decision driven by clubs who are going to lose a lot of money in away ticket sales rather than the EFL "being tight"
Ayup Whitey. As a non member but registered to ifollow I'll be wanting to watch some games. Do you know what percentage of the £10 fee goes to the reds for home and away games?
As of the last couple of years, 80% of all iFollow Barnsley income goes to the club. I haven't read/heard anything to suggest that's changed.
Given the situation with not knowing when any fans can enter stadiums AND the fact it's the start of a new season (not like the last 9 games as before) that's a good compromise.
Right!?!?!? Sorry for being thick but am I right or wrong? As a Member (not +) I can watch all home games on ifollow as part of my package and all midweek games away either by sky/ifollow but weekend away games can be watched if I pay £10 (which if necessary I`m reasonably happy to do.