Love a #superinjunction I think this is the best one since Wayne Rooney fan Helen Wood had one against her by a well known actor who was one of her clients.
OK, done some looking around and saw this: However, that was also given as the reason why the blonde guy and the mother of his child were arguing in the mother's flat a year ago so I doubt it would cause them to split up because of it now.
The rumour goes that they haven’t just split up now, that they split up a while ago, but the blonde guy had a big job interview and having a another breakup so soon after his last wasn’t a good look, so they kept up appearances.
I'm not sure. In completely unrelated news, it's nice to see our wonderful prime minister enjoying a well deserved break.
Is this anything to do with Dominic Cummin's father-in-law (Humphry Wakefield) stating that the 'blond person' is to step down in six months?
There is a randy scarecrow on the loose. Basically it's the story of Worzel Gummidge, if Worzel's "thinking head" was bought at Ann Summers