If capacity needs to be restricted, then it makes perfect sense to only open Oakwell to season ticket holders (I’m not ST holder). It’s not only the fairest way of rationing places, but should also boost ST purchases. Every game should also be available on iPlayer. Free to ST holders, and with a fee for everyone else.
You say it'll boost season ticket sales, however I think the capacity when we're allowed back, won't allow for the season ticket holders we have already. We really should have capped sales until it was clearer how many people will initially be allowed inside the stadium. I get that the club wants the money in to assist with transfer dealings, but it just seems unfair to sell more tickets than will be allowed initially in the stadium. My only thought is, the club weren't expecting as many people to purchase season tickets as they have. It certainly took me by surprise how many we've sold. Even more so considering the amount of people who were insisting on a refund for last season's money.
So if the close to 11000 that were ST holders last year had tried to renew. Would you have restricted sales. ? It will be all sorted in the wash in my view. If it means missing a couple of games each throughout the season so be it. ( after crowds are let back in. ) I say that as a fan who has missed less than 10 home games in 54 yrs. Didn’t surprise me at all. Given the offer that was given. ‘Tis what it is mate. Some clubs will not be able to sort it out as fairly as us as to the amount of games we should be able to attend. Guessing some clubs you’ll be lucky to get to 1 in 2 games as long as the 30% guideline is in place.
I'll be honest. I intended to renew regardless, even though I had this feeling that we wouldn't be allowed in stadiums at all this season. I asked a few mates, and initially they all said they weren't renewing. Some of them still haven't. So I had this feeling that we wouldn't sell any more than about 3/4,000. Even at the reduced price (which accounts for the games that are behind closed doors), you've paid to be inside the stadium when we're able to. Rather selfishly, I want to go to every game I can, I don't really want to miss out when stadiums are open again. I do see what you're saying, but for argument sake, say we got to the Premier League (post covid). The capacity for home fans is around 20,000 (when all parts of the stadium are open and fit for purpose). Would you be happy missing the odd game, if the club sold 21,000 season tickets?
They wouldn’t be able to sell above capacity. Irrespective of COVID. I also think .(note think) a percentage has to be held back for pay on the day customers. ( that may not apply during restrictions) I seem to think Millwall have still allowed match day tickets on application going to the back of the queue after receiving a ticket for future games. In a few clubs cases re ST’s ( used to be the case for Man Utd Arsenal etc.) There are waiting lists. And some are in the queue for years. Increases in capacity may have eased the issue. I certainly wouldn’t worry about renewing, as I reckon because the club are still taking applications. I Doubt they will treat anyone differently at this stage. mates can be fickle. Say one thing then change mind over time. Not knocking it. But happens. Sort thi sen art if you want to go and don’t worry about others. Mates come and go. Hopefully Barnsley fc aren’t going anywhere.( barring premier afore anybody jumps in. )
There's not a cat in hell's chance of football crowds in October. If they are still predicting a second wave in autumn/winter, that's when Covid will start to get messy again. It's a bit like when I used to watch YCCC as a young 'un and rain stopped play. By the time they decided it was fit to resume, it would be chucking it down again.
Scottish rugby to allow a limited number of spectators into Murrayfield this weekend. Celtic were refused permission to allow only about 700 in to watch their game v Motherwell. So Rugby fans are the guinea pigs. Probably because they can possibly be trusted to behave themselves.
To put this into context, 3,600 are to be allowed into Doncaster on Wednesday 9th September and 6,200 on the remaining three days, including St Leger Day itself on the Saturday. The maximum capacity, usually only reached on Leger Day is around 30,000. So at around 20% of capacity, if Oakwell were allowed a similar trial then 5,000 or less would be admitted. But there is more room to move around a racecourse, so the powers that be might wish to restrict trial football crowds even further?
Anyone know anything about how they could possibly decide which ST holders get in first? (Insert Carling Cup away stubs joke here) Surely it has to be all ST holders or none at all? Can you imagine being one of a few hundred/thousand not allowed in..?
It's not ideal but if there are less seats available than season tickets sold then people will have to accept they can't attend every game until capacity increases. A system in which supporters take turns will have to be introduced. How that works will depend on capacity and tickets sold.
To be fair, the pikey ******** are already to blame for murdering thousands on the back of Cheltenham, let them finish the job the selfish lovely people
I guess my question is then, who decides who can and can't go? Sheffield Wednesday at home and you can't go just.. because. ?? I just think that's awful.
You would imagine it'll be a random draw - hopefully it's not Boris Johnson's mutant algorithm doing the number crunching.
My thinking. A random draw could mean someone who has bought a season ticket for the first time might miss, let’s say Millwall on midweek. Where someone who’s not missed a home game for 50 years could potentially miss out on Wednesday at home. Or the Boxing Day fixture for example. I don’t buy the “it is what it is” argument.
If, and it’s a very big if because we don’t know how many fans will be allowed or the final total of season tickets what do you want to do? have a “I’m a better fan than you“ list? its simple really. 2 methods of allocation. Random ballot for the tickets, fan confirms he wishes to attend, any returned tickets are re allocated to those who missed out in the original ballot. anyone missing out is automatically allocated first for the next game. Or place everyone in a numbered list 1 to however many supporters have season tickets then place that list overlaid on the 7000? seats available, roll it along so everyone can see exactly which matches they’ve been allocated and which ones they miss. Have a fan to fan exchange for those wishing to swap. again it’s all a big if though. Something is better than nothing but there is already people bairning they might miss a match.
But it really is mate. The club will not make everyone happy. Regardless of system. But as one of those fans who would hate to miss any/certain games. (As Pompey says) no fan should be treat different if a season ticket holder. The points system works fine ( as is possible) for priority for away games. But this is a totally different ball game. In As it stands at the mo. All games may end up still without crowds. I would be quite happy for someone who is unable to buy a season ticket due to cost or can only get to a few games to use mine if I can’t attend. Or if one of my family or mates would do a swap. (Fine) There are 12 of us that sit together. And have done since the east stand opened. I am not expecting the club to know those 12 are family/friends. Would it work as a bubble? . Not as the restrictions stand at the moment. It’s why I said “Tis what it is.” It has to be done as simple as is practicable. I just thank my lucky stars Don Rowing isn’t in charge of procedures. Nothing can beat the debacle surrounding the Liverpool game. Irrespective of who’s going to sort this one out. I suggest the club involve the supporters trust. And try to reach an agreeable solution. Just waiting for the hate brigade. To have another excuse to slag off regardless.
Hopefully soon we will get full capacity start venues soon. But if it's covid cases stopping it happening from ramped up testing when hospitals are staying empty then as Denise says we will never get out of this.