Was chatting with a mate about it the other day and we both said we liked Texan bars (not pubs in Texas..). Used to really like em. Anyone got any others?
I remember going to the match with my Dad as a kid and he'd often have a packet of Pacers. They were Opal Fruit-shaped sweets but mint flavoured, I think with a stripe through the middle but I might be wrong. God only knows what crap was in them.
That's right they were white with 1 or 2 green stripes, presumably the spearmint flavouring. Other than that as you say they were exactly like Opal Fruits.
Tiffin Fry's five boys. Fry's Chocolate cream. Barley sugar sticks And from about 10 years ago they changed the lickorice flavour to blackcurrent in Sports mixture, although whatever the flavour they were the dentists Friend as they were brilliant at removing fillings.
They were originally called Opal Mints before being rebranded as Pacers. Marathon bars were renamed Snickers about the same time I think.