Original Caramc before they added 3 ton of sugar to it.... I find some of the old sweets that are still around far too sweet nah..like milky way and Old jamaca..
Three things spring to mind. Spanish, which was sticks of liquorice, made of similar stuff to Pontefract cakes. Kai-lai, which I think was white sherbert with a short liquorice stick to dip in. And that thing that looked like a twig which you chewed on for ages. Liquorice root?
Could well have been , memories not what it was but can remember mixing em up with fruit salads so it would have been either 2 or 4 blackjacks and same fruit salads for penny . Can also remember old slots outside shops for chewing gum beech nut and pk . Penny for two packs . They also had two redundant slots from years before which they hadn’t removed one was for a half penny (ha’penny) and one was for a farthing can remember that one was well rusty lol ps Do you remember those square packs with the thin strips in made I think if coconut and summat else ? Spanish hold or something similar I think it was called .
I loved a Fuse. Vice Versa’s were amazing, but awful when they brought them back a few years ago. Taz was just essentially a Caramel Freddo - which you can still buy now.
Was it YZ bubble gum machines that delivered an extra packet every 4th turn? Kids used to hang around waiting to time their purchase.
Do slush puppies still exist? I haven't had one of those since about 1980. This thread really highlights the absolute gunk we pushed through our bodies in the 70s and 80s!
Not sen YZ but when o come to think of it in the machines I saw it were Arrowmint chewing gum in a white packet as well as Beechnut .
Yes slush puppies are still sold although there may be other names . The gunk in the seventies and eighties Is still relevant today tbh . Nothing in the confectionery etc would constitute to part of your five aday
can you still buy Yorkshire mixtures, bits of seaside rock and them big fish, if you got 2 oz you only got about 4 sweets
https://www.cadburygiftsdirect.co.u...6_1598875737_a14d94af995ac34a616c92067b8fb87c I bought one from B and M the other week as well, not sure if they’ve still got them. I’m not a fan of dark chocolate or dried fruit generally but bought it as my late dad used to love it !! Not sure if it’s back permanently but you can certainly get it now. EDIT My mum has just told me they sell them in Morrisons too