"BBC Radio Sheffield - BBC Radio Sheffield Special, Kes at 50 (31/08/2020)" https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08nywn3 Sithee
Released 27th March 1970 - day I was born which I didn't realise. Attended St Helen's comp as well - another link
Headmaster in Kes was Bill Bowes. Coached me and others for Doncaster Boys. By day, he was a PE teacher at the then Hatfield Secondary School. If you hadnt played very well, his party "piece" was to flick you with a rolled up wet towel as you came out of the shower. I know lads that were taught by him and they were all frightened to death of him. I managed to score in the three games I played for him against Don and Dearne Boys, Scunthorpe Boys and North Derbyshire boys, so luckily I was never the subject of his legendary bouts of wrath.
One of Dai Bradley’s quotes I managed to catch but never really gave it a thought when Casper said it in the film. On pleading his innocence . “I haven’t been in trouble since the last time sir”
Mr Hesketh who was in the film was my English teacher at St Helens. Nice bloke, probably brown bread now.
Remember advert in chron for extras favourite line for me from sports teacher (Brian Glover) a slightly balding Charlton on the attack!!!
Premiered at Odeon Barnsley went as a guest of Mr Hesketh whose son I went to school with. Nice bloke.