Misinformed Troll ? bit strong Donny Usually you will not qualify if you're from outside the EEA or Switzerland and your child does not live with you. You may qualify if you're from the EEA or Switzerland and your child lives in an EEA country or Switzerland. You or your partner must pay UK National Insurance (if you're employed or self-employed) or get one of these benefits: contribution-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) State Pension widow's benefits bereavement benefits Incapacity Benefit Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Severe Disablement Allowance Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
I said I'd stopped engaging Now as always I'm fairly certain people will lie in order to get benefit. But it's completely incorrect to suggest that people are automatically entitled to child benefit for children living in other countries. Just as it's incorrect that it's perfectly OK to reduce your working hrs to increase your UC (it''s a sanctionable offence) It's also incorrect that only Pakistani's break the law But y'know ... Misinformed (willingly?).
£80 million is a grand total of 3p per taxpayer per week. Massive amounts of money. I'm so looking forward to buying 2/3 of a cup of coffee per year with it. The actual figures from the Home Office budget for 2020 is ~£1.5bn per year for customs, borders, passports, asylum and other associated functions (14p per taxpayer per day). Most of which we need anyway, so for the asylum part it comes to about 2p per day per taxpayer (~£500m per year). Around 70-80% of those that claim asylum are found to have valid claims, suggesting that the vast majority are not economic migrants, but genuine asylum seekers. Of the other 20-30%, we can until December 31st deport them to the EU if they were registered in another country there. After that, we are fully out of the EU, so can't as the Dublin Regulations no longer apply. We also can't deport them to a country where they are at risk. So chances are, we are going to be stuck with more of those we don't want. Well done Leave voters. For the record, the 4* hotel was temporarily closed down due to a lack of business but it came to a deal with the Home Office to house migrants for £35 per night. The hotel made some money (much less than normal, but no business travelers so better than nothing), the staff came off furlough and enjoyed helping the asylum seekers adapt to their new lives in the UK. After the uproar caused by Mr Farage, that deal was ended and the hotel went bust with the staff losing their jobs. Slow handclaps all around.
Calm down Donny, you really don't like being challenged do you ? I'm neither a troll nor misinformed - For some reason I find it difficult to post links whilst using my phone, this from the BBC - According to a paper published by the House of Commons Library in July 2014, there were just over 34,000 children of EU nationals receiving child benefit but living abroad in December 2013. Families receive £20.70 a week for the first or only child and then £13.70 for each subsequent child. Going back to the analysis published in March, the total paid to the almost 33,000 foreign national children would work out at approximately £33.5m for 2016. Migration Watch, which pushes for lower immigration to the UK, did a similar calculation in 2013 (when the number of children was higher but the benefit rates were lower) and found the cost then to be £36.6m.
I've several issues with this Churton, I believe that employers get away with paying low wages owing to the availability of migrant workers. Pay a better rate of pay and you'd find plenty from the local population available to do the work, we have a screwed up system here where we pay folk to sit at home whilst there's work to be done. It's very difficult to weed out the fraudsters when the documents get thrown overboard in the channel so we don't know where they're from and have to take their word for it,hardly any 'asylum seekers' are ever deported because we don't know their country of origin. Of course I don't want to turn anyone with a genuine case away, which is why I'm dumbfounded as to why people in genuine need wouldn't seek asylum in the first safe country they land in. If they want to come here once their claim has been verified then I have no issue with that. The reason they come is that they're sold a story by traffickers taking their money, if we were to start and tow the boats back to French waters then the traffickers would get the message and the scam would be over.
sadly in Selby reds world there are white people and then everyone else. I don’t mind calling him what he is. He is an uneducated racist bigot. If he doesn’t like that he can with all due respect lump it. I pity his world view and I pity anyone he shares his views with.
Was that the case with all the hotels which housed the 5000 illegals.It would not be so bad if they paid their own bills but it's our money.Now I know some virtue signalled a on here don't mind this but you are in the minority in this country although you will deny it.
I would like to bet I had a better education than you,you do not know the meaning of the word respect ,snowflake
The bully in chief is back ,I remember when you were Whitey,you were a loudmouth numpty then and you still are.