I've only met him a couple of times but he's a top, top guy. Nothing but good things to say about him
When I used to bob into the No7 post-match for a couple of beers, if Jay was in there it improved my trip. Can't say fairer than that. I've only ever been pleased to see him and always enjoyed his company. We've had our disagreements on here, but when you both post bollöcks every day for 20 years or so on one platform you're bound to clash. And I always clash with my mates. Who wants to agree with someone all the time? I'm sure he's fine, having a beer and putting the world to rights. The big dosser.
FFS Yes I'm OK. No, I'm not nearly as nice as some people have portrayed me, but your words are appreciated and reciprocated. Yes, I'm outspoken and my hair is sh*t. Nez, Terry, Thrappo, Gally, if you ever want a drink just say, someone will find me. Matt - always here. Always. Only person who was right in in this thread was DT And just so you know, for all the ferocity that YN has directed towards me over the years: Every time I see him I go to speak to him. Every time. Don't believe what people tell you about themselves. We're judged by others.
I've always been a bit in awe of Jay. I've genuinely had moments where I've got giddy if he's liked my post or responded to me. I'd like to think I'm pretty smart, at times funny, sometimes insightful. But his ability to be all of those things and more, sometimes within a single sentence let alone a post, is amazing. And then people who know him reveal this side to him too - which I'm sure he would hate.
So then, we gunna have a beer or 6 (if not more). I certainly do not have anyone in my earhole any longer, and loving the life I can call my own.... I've just got home after copious amounts of beer, with a ******* kebab haha. My life, my rules. So, beer?
I've often thought that I'd quite like to meet Jay one day but to be honest this issue about his hair has always put me off. Is there nothing that could be done? Some kind of intervention, perhaps?
Imagine a 1980s Marxist militant vagina... Hair Bursting out a massive pair of pants. That’s Jays hair.