Man playing computer games with his gf, a neighbour complains about the noise, saying there was fighting and arguing coming from the room. The call to police is obviously a lie and it is just a simple noise complaint hidden behind a fake domestic violence call. The reason it's obviously a lie? He says on the call that he wants police to come quickly as he's got work tomorrow, not because he fears for someone's safety. Immediately after complaining he's got work tomorrow he is asked by the 911 operator if the 'fight' is just verbal or if it's physical and he even replies 'it could be physical, I could say yeah if that makes anyone hurry up' and laughs. Police arrive at the apartment block, clearly not concerned at all, laughing and joking as they wander slowly to the apartment even saying 'i dont have time for this'. The get to the apartment and hear no notice inside, nothing to suggest any domestic violence at all, knock on door in middle of night and hide either side of door so can't be seen through peephole, man comes to door with his gun (stupid Americans but perfectly legal). Takes one look at the police and immediately crouches down placing gun on floor with one hand raised in air clearly in an 'i surrender' position. Police unload their weapons on him withing 3 seconds of him answering the door And as he lays on the ground dying and his girlfriend stands crying the police order her, clearly unarmed, to get down on the floor next to his body. They then procede to stand blaming the victim whilst making no attempt at all to give any kind of first aid, electing instead to stand guard as he dies. But oddly it hasn't made any of the news channels and hasn't really received much attention in the UK at all. I can't work out why this police murder is fine but the shooting of a man resisting arrest, armed with a knife and who assaulted a police officer resulted in a worldwide outcry. The second video how's the even more damning angle where the man's innocence is in absolutely no doubt (2minutes into the video)
It had better be broadcasted and see what's made of that. But it's just easier to keep your gob shut.
Thanks for posting this ST, I'm awaiting the hysteria from the usual suspects on here - I'm sure they'll be just as upset as they were when the thug Floyd was killed by police. I'm sure they'll be marching in London wearing paramilitary style uniforms (despite COVID) and pulling down statues of Robert Peel. Not.
Absolutely terrifying and horrendous. The policing over there is so shocking that this is sadly not an uncommon incident. What’s worse is I expect they’ll probably get off. Appalling. As for the posters above using this tragedy for their horrendous point scoring whataboutery, no words. Disgraceful.
Echoed. Complete tragedy - something that should not have happened. There's almost a full house in Racist Bingo though already in here. Just missing one.
So it’s Black lives matter’s fault for this not making headline news is it? It’s appalling. Some of theses replies though are Typical of the posters.
Absolutely appalling! (Some) of the police in America are so incompetent (at best) it’s untrue and I don’t know how they keep getting away with it. It actually blows my mind. On a different but sort of related matter, have you heard about a thing in America called ‘Swatting’ where people who are watching someone play a game online secretly phone the police and get a swat team send around to that gamer’s house so they can see their reaction when they break down the door? I wonder how many deaths have resulted from that?
not seen anything racist on this thread so far Fonzie, I know it's the default accusation but it kinda loses it's impact through misuse and overuse. Can you point out who has made what racist comment please ? Isn't it time the mods got involved with these constant accusations whenever someone posts that which the usual gaggle disagree with. there's nothing racist about this thread, do look up the definition.
What a frigging country! Trigger happy police,! Maybe they aren't as racist as they seem, shoot first every chance they get!. BUT wtf happened to shouting 'who is it' and can I see your ID if they answer 'police', rather than just opening the door with a gun in your hand!! That's in no way excusing the p1llocks in uniform btw
Edit: can't be bothered. Think it's time for me to just block them all and stick to threads on footy. Presume you'll reply to my initial post but I can't be bothered. It gets me down too much that in 2020 people are still judged by the colour of their skin.
How do these videos get to be on the internet? If it's the police video, why would they put it on the internet? If they look as guilty of shooting an innocent man as it shows, why publish it? Why are they then 2 versions of it? Are there more than 2 policemen there? None of this makes any sense, so is it fake?
It seems, because a largely unknown travesty and appalling incident has not reached the headlines, nobody cares or is appalled and we only condemn it if it’s in anyway racially connected. Think some of these replies are citing hypocrisy, lol
That’s the thing, all of the outcries regarding police shootings start at the source/ their locality before they become viral, why hadn’t this?