12 of them in 24 hours except it's actually only people who have died for ANY reason within 28 days of having a positive test. If there's only 12 people who have died then there's no excuse not to do a proper autopsy to find the CAUSE of death rather than just died with something and using scare tactics. Sorry but you simply can't call something a covid death purely because someone tested positive and then got hit by a bus. I know this isn't exactly breaking news but I was a bit shocked at just how blatant the news was about it. Everyone knows it's false reporting, the BBC even mentioned it but nobody has the bald to pick them up on it properly
The BBC’s political reporting , analysis etc has increasingly become nothing more than a Govt mouthpiece. I’ve always thought that their political reporting has always at least been tinged with bias towards the Govt of the day, but What’s happened in recent years has gone to a new level. Incidentally, just watched the ITV news as I awaiting watching the highlights of the England game and as usual the political reporting was the comedy value as always. Oh, and the England game, even though it’s the highlights think I’ll give the 2nd half a miss based on what I’ve seen so far
It's the reactionary stuff, the shock factor for a hour stuff that will get Trump.re-elected. CNN are terrible for it. BBC now is a waste of cash it's so sad, a Tory mouthpiece and they can't even get the weather forecast right (new cheap contract).
I haven't seen any numbers in weeks, because the methodology seemed so obviously flawed that I've lost interest. To be fair though, the BBC aren't the ones doing the counting. They can only report the numbers that are officially released. They should, however, be adding caveats, and challenging the govt on our behalf if the methodology is so wacky.
The only numbers that give an idea are excess deaths from the ONS reports. These will always give accurate information. They show excess 65k deaths but a complete flattening and fewer than normal from a July onwards presumably as a result of lockdown and other measures. The best few months will hopefully continue this trend if we all look after ourselves and take care of others.
One possible reason for that is the deaths we had in March- May in the elderly and seriously ill. Deaths that would have been spread across the year all happened in a short space of time. Excess deaths are good measure but not perfect. When we look over the rest of the year and next year we may start seeing deaths that are as a result of lockdown coming through.
I remember Patrick vallance saying at one of the daily updates, " there are very many people who had covid on their death certificates but didn,t necesarrily have the virus as they were never tested", that statement begs the question WHY, why were the government so hellbent on wanting the figures to be high, Hancock has since ordered an investigation that showed 5000 misdiagnosed deaths and being that it reflects badly on the government i would think thats a very conservative estimate ( pardon the pun), something just isn,t right with all this...
A mute point I think - nobody will have been hit by a bus/truck however be people like Kate Garraways hubby who’s been in a coma for ages because of Covid who won’t be counted . Another method to get numbers down is my view
Someone ought to order an investigation on how Covid testing targets were barely hit and then when they supposedly were hit, how they were counted. I won’t hold my breath though.
What about people that test positive then have complications as do a lot then die 5 weeks later, by the way they have changed the reporting they won’t go down as a Covid death. Only true stat is excess deaths give or take
This far in to restrictions excess deaths means nowt either as by this point there are so many suicides, murders due to extra stresses, people who have died due to stress related illnesses, lack of exercise, having treatment for serious illnesses stopped and from being unable to get illnesses diagnosed due to the removal of the NHS. the only way to find out a true figure is to test every hospital admission (surely we were anyway) and doing proper autopsy's where there is any doubt of cause of death. Anything less than that is pure guesswork and fudging of numbers to suit agendas.
When there is one additional factor put into the equation it is easy to extrapolate the result of that factor from excess deaths via ONS. Of course it won’t be 100% accurate but certainly in the high 90s. Last time it spiked in a similar manner was the last flu epidemic and no one seriously doubts that excess during that period were not a result of that epidemic.
Apparently so, these people labelled Ed Milliband Red Ed though. Interestingly I’ve read where the newly appointed gaffer of the BBC is looking to axe so- called ‘Left- wing’ comedy programmes such as Have I got news for you as they are too critical of the govt and they want more ‘balance’
Yes but during that epidemic we didn't lock the country down. I didn't mean the spike in March-May i ment a future one we might get as a consequence of delays in NHS treatments. My other point was that its interesting that we have moved to a point actually below the average, suggesting that some of those deaths in the spike were people of Ill health who were perhaps near the end of life. I suppose it will take a long time to get a true measure of the data.
Unfortunately, we lost my dad to covid in april so it would be really easy to let my heart rule my head, but my dad, like 99% of the other poor souls that lost their lives was elderly with underlying problems, when your only testing very ill people you are bound to get high mortality rates, the true potency of the virus is evident now that generally healthy people are being tested, high infection rates but low death rates and hospitalisations show that generally healthy people have little to fear from the virus...