“A further 2,988 cases of coronavirus have been reported in the UK in the past 24 hours, government data showed. It is the highest number reported on a single day since 22 May and a rise of 1,175 on Saturday” Are we seeing the beginnings of a second wave?
We are still really on the first wave - what has happened is as we have relaxed lockdown measures its taking hold again. The much more important measurement hospitalisations and deaths which so far is staying well down.
I reckon there's only 10% who wear them correctly though. It shouldn't be touched while it's on, yet people are fiddling with them all the time, taking them on and off, pulling them down under their chins as if it's just a dust mask, not covering their nose, reusing disposable ones etc etc etc.
Masks dont stop you getting infected trust me I know through experience, keep sanitizing you hands and washing them
I may be wrong but I blame the young uns, as far as I can see they don't give a flying fck. Not all young uns, far from it but enough to make a spectacular difference.
It's a fair and newsworthy headline though, is it not? Nearly 3,000 cases, a huge jump compared to last Sunday.
Only if nothing else changed but we relaxed a whole load of lockdown measures opened all the pubs resaurants all went on holiday etc so it was bound to go up - I am fairly sure masks help but nothing like enough to compensate for the other causes - also a lot of people are ignoring social distancing - especiallly the younger generations which is where the majority of cases are now
Why is it about blame? We have an abundance of blame for people who are catching this disease, how about some compassion?
How about folk stop spreading it so people don't catch it. Raves galore, catch it, spread it. I have plenty of compassion owd warrior.
France reporting huge numbers of infections but still no increases in hospitalisations or deaths. As long as it’s young people being infected it’s not a big deal. Just need to ensure there isn’t transmission to the elderly, which will of course become more difficult the more prevalent it is.
Maybe it’s a lesser strain now. Quite a few rugby league players been tested positive fir it lately but only new they had it due to compulsory testing not because they were ill
But we also have vulnerable people along with the elderly & also the folk who are not vulnerable, you tell me how we are to protect all walks of life from this covid-19 spread?
I read about coronavirus avidly since this started. Proff Che the bat lady of Wuhan etc. Apparently all cov viruses can run out of steam. Each time they pass through a human they get a bit weaker. Seems to be happening. However, from what i read it isn't the virus rather our sometimes over-exaggerated response to it, not media but our own immune system response that is the problem. There is a school of thought that the more it passes through humans the weaker it gets. No consolation if you're in a vulnerable group but this could explain a lot
I have worked throughout the lockdown and I have adherered to the lockdown measures but I just feel there is a school of thought that people have become bored of it all, they have done all of the jobs they needed to do ie diy,gardening etc and then the government announced that lockdown was easing and so everyone has raced out to the pubs gone on holiday etc and then the COVID incidents has now started to rise, this before the winter flu starts to take hold. I know of people who have died due to this hideous illness and people please take care
Actually the number of hospitalisations in France has been increasing and so has the number of patients in intensive care. "Un signal toutefois inquiétant est celui de la hausse des nouvelles hospitalisations et admissions en réanimation, pour la sixième semaine consécutive. Si les chiffres sont encore modérés (1 337 personnes), ils ont doublé depuis la mi-juillet. Et c’est la saturation des services hospitaliers qui constitue aujourd’hui le principal enjeu de la crise sanitaire, en risquant d’engendrer une surmortalité des personnes atteintes du Covid-19." ("A worrying sign is the increase in new hospitalisations and intensive care admissions, for the sixth consecutive week. Although the figures are still moderate (1337 people) they have doubled since mid-July. And it is the overloading of the health service which poses the greatest risk of an increase in mortality rate for those catching Covid-19.") https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/arti...lisations-en-hausse-moderee_6050941_3244.html The number of deaths has also gone up a little in recent weeks, the rolling weekly average having dropped as low as 7 in August and now being 17. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/france/ I'm not saying these numbers are catastrophic but I'm afraid it's not accurate to say there hasn't been an increase.
We went off in our motorhome for a few days last week and stayed near Mablethorpe for a couple of days. While walking round the town we went in a few shops, a significant number of people not wearing masks or keeping their distance. Definitely an air of "it's all over now, lets get back to normal".