Just proving most footballers brains are located somewhere between their ball sack and bell end and they definitely have more money than common sense.
Very selfish behaviour, other team mates must be pretty annoyed with them. Having said that shouldn’t be crucified over it, seems like England taking right action- just send em home.
If they accept the cap they accept the responsibility that goes with it . They are ambassadors for our country once they take the shilling and besides of which it’s irresponsible imo to excuse them from what is obviously a global issue . They’re not irreplaceable in the team and imo they should not be picked for the foreseeable future, they have no respect for others then it should be reciprocated imo .
Send them home and make them issue an apology. No need to crucify them and I’m sure they’ll learn to be more responsible in future.
I bet they had the time of their lives . It's like getting caught behind the bike sheds then doing detention.
Thing is these same people that’s dismissing their behaviour would be the same ones sending death threats if they got embarrassingly beat after.
Dumb behaviour, can’t see the position they’re in. Some might say they’re young and have to have some fun. That’s not the career they signed up to. Deserve the punishment tbf.
Nobodies stopping them having fun though . They can have as much fun as they want when they paying for it and in their own time .
Foden is in a committed relationship and him and his partner have a baby. Likes to parade it on the pitch after some games. https://www.google.co.uk/search?sou...client=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#imgrc=xykSoIaOdI8miM
What a pair of p1llocks , a chance to play for their country and they can’t think with their upper brains rather than their lower brains just for a few days.
Can you imagine an Olympic athlete doing that before their event? Concentrating on their football should be the only thing on their minds when on international duty. Personally, as long as Forden is a responsible father, he is very young and if he doesn't want to be tied down in a relationship he doesn't have to be ( but should be honest about that!)