I've just been over it and there's a person at each end telling you to keep left!!! Have wages fallen that low that people are now cheaper than signs?
I was talking to one of the lads, and apparently they are bussing people over from Bradford (not just for the bridge, they have people on entrance and exists to market, and no doubt other places too). All in the aid of safety.
They are also bussing people from places like Bradford just to come and look at the bridge. Groups of people stood open mouthed. A true monument to the level of expertise at Barnsley Council.
The moment he mentioned what he was doing, I instantly thought of you. This guy off the internet that I've never met, and never likely to meet. I think it was when he used the wording along the lines of it not been safe.
If it wasn’t safe then surely people wouldn’t be allowed on it at all? I assumed they were counting the number of people using it at one time in order to maintain social distancing.
Please excuse my ignorance, but I don't know what Nudgers bridge is. Is it anything like Biffin's bridge? If so, I'm intrigued that the OP has been over it, and even more so that people are at either end telling you which way to go!!!
Well - let me explain: New York has got Brooklyn Bridge. Sydney has got Sydney Harbour Bridge. San Francisco has got Golden Gate Bridge. Well Barnsley has got Nudgers Bridge. Nar then - Nudgers Bridge might not be as aesthetically pleasing as the other great bridges of the world - but when seen for the first time people tend to stare for longer in amazement at Nudgers Bridge.
I think we should cancel the other with immediate effect, the current one being more of an attraction to visitors. There's obviously going to be a lot of disappointed people if the current one goes.