"Project moonshot" the latest weapon out of Johnson's gimmick arsenal. £100bn on technology that doesn't exist yet, going to the usual suspects in the private sector. Imagine would £100bn could do if given to local health authorities to scale up test, trace and isolate in their regions, and supporting people that cannot work because they've been asked to stay at home for 14 days. The Govt don't care about what the right thing to do is, or doing any work that involves any detailed planning. They just care that the money goes where they want it to, and their backs are sufficiently covered when it comes to accountability.
That's certainly how I read it. Perhaps if we didn't have this era of people thinking they know better than the world's collective scientists then this virus would have ****** off months ago. Too many people making up their own rules to suit.
Hehehe, amazing. Even I wear a mask properly in places where they’re mandated, even though I think it’s ********. You couldn’t make it up!
Firstly I can assure you that the 'duty of care' exists on the wards only: we don't have any say whatsoever when patients are admitted without beds, that is done from without. Every week of my working life we have patients who lose their beds when they leave the ward (we call this 'leave') to visit home or wherever overnight or for a few hours to see how it goes. Just yesterday I had one patient tell me they would refuse leave tomorrow because they feared they will lose their bed: they will. I have evidenced all those that I am aware of over the wards that are admitted to sleep in lounges or on the floor over the course of the last year or so. I have covertly took pictorial evidence of this too (obviously without patient present). I have actively encouraged patients who have had to endure this to complain to the cqc as I regularly do. This is pretty pointless though as this practice continues regardless and this demand on beds is why people lose them so readily. Anyway... I'd say your general argument has many valid points but much of it is devalued by your use of propagated statistics and 'evidence'. I am 100% certain though that my desire to return to normality is the same as yours. I have long stated that I would have preferred a shorter but far more restrictive lockdown but that was not forthcoming. I was also supportive of getting life back on track when infection rates and fatalities dropped to manageable levels (which it did) So yes over the last couple of months I've had a few seshe's in town and locally and have even been overseas. At this point I was truly hopeful that we had 'turned the corner' but alas it appears this relaxation (as many predicted) has proved unsuccessful. It was I guess an experiment, one that had to be tried for so many reasons. I've just listened to the Trump audio where he privately admits the gravity of the virus but wanted to play it down as he did not want to induce fear and panic. I can't see a time when civilised society turns round and dictates that we regress to the dark ages where we advocate the 'survival of the fittest' so I would suggest we are in this for some time yet. Denying risk I fear will serve only to perpetuate our misery.
And he has the gall to pretend to be holier than thou about how he’ll feel out of place wearing his mask all the time in the UK. Just hold your breath or breathe through your mouth only. Simple isn’t it.
Too many ambiguous (deliberate) rules for general population to understand? We've followed them all virtually to the letter. Worked from home, didn't see our family including our 18 month old for three months. It was heartbreaking but we understood the reason. We have met outside until a couple of weeks ago, there's six of us and the granddaughter. All of us have been working from home until the last week. As from the 14th September if we meet up as a family group we will be breaking the law. I'm 61 law abiding, and not even had a parking ticket. I have a dilemma.
The rules are and always have been very confusing in my opinion. I have been impacted a lot mentally as a result of lockdown living alone, I have not had it easy at all. Wearing a face mask below your nose on the other hand and applying your own science to rationalise it because you think you know better, however, is a bit silly.
Go see her. The ridiculous new rule cannot be properly policed and it's cruel of the government to expect if two households make up 7 people, that one of them has to miss out.
It's not two households anymore, it's six people from any household isn't it? Shame on you, you should know this, it's on page 2215, para 52b, subsection 1(a).
Brilliant idea. So instead of two households making up six people, which is pretty simple to track and trace, you could now have six different households making up the six and way more people need to be tracked down.
Wife telling me that restriction is six people only indoors plus from Monday they are probably contemplating introducing a curfew after 10pm. Is that correct.?
and six outdoors. The curfew is being trialed in certain areas already to see if they can get away with it.
Be very interesting to see if a curfew is imposed how it's observed. Given that certain key workers have to do shifts, there must be some form of exemptions that will also have to be introduced.?
Just had a quick count, Ive personally heard of 25 people just today who have been given a positive test in Leeds. That dsoesnt include anyone from the local cricket club, and two pubs two pubs who have closed down due to infections. I know of at least 5 student nurses who have reported positive tests just this morning. One of the 25 was due to go back to school in my daughter's class but she had a test done the day before when her sister came down with it. At least 5 of those 25 are young kids.
I think the curfew is in respect of hospitality establishments. Bolton can only do takeaways and that's between the hours of 5am to 10pm (I think)
Read the post again. In certain circumstances yes but only for very short periods and not in situations where I would be in close proximity to someone (other than my wife) for more than a few seconds e.g. passing by them. Otherwise wearing it non stop for prolonged periods in this climate it would literally be a case of me being in danger of passing out if I didn't in some enclosed spaces here where it can reach 35C+ indoors and outdoors (not all smallish shops/small local supermarkets have air conditioning). They are hot at the best of times never mind when your nose and mouth are breathing recycled warm air. Also masks are designed to capture droplets and minimise aerosol particles from say coughing and sneezing. Therefore logic and common sense dictates that for very short periods if you breath through your mouth then the fact the nose is not covered becomes irrelevant as no air is being expelled from it.
See my response to Barnsley reds above... Cold in supermarkets? LUXURY! If only !! Being pedantic it doesn't specify HOW you wear it. Unless someone can explain how leaving the nose uncovered whilst breathing only through the mouth negates the effectiveness of a mask I do not see it as an issue (particularly as I said, I only do that if I am not in prolonged contact with others) EDIT: Just thought about something. I am not talking about those more expensive semi rigid masks that many people buy but the standard issue pleated cloth ones that fit close to the face with a small metal strip at the top you squeeze to make close fit whatever postition it is in. Obviously lowering the former would mean huge air gaps for exhaled vapours to 'escape'.