Wasn't having a go mate, I don't think any of us who voted leave or remain want this. This government are haven't got a mandate to do this. It wasn't in any manifesto and would put at risk a fragile peace. Anyone who's worked in Northern Ireland will realise how dangerous it is. Unfortunately the ruling classes haven't a clue. Its undemocratic and shows that some those within the cabinet haven't a clue. I'm praying the Tory party put a stop on this.
I've been in the USA for 25 years as a Green Card holder. I still cannot vote in any city, state or federal elections. However, San Francisco does allow illegal immigrants to vote in local school elections. Also, as I've been away from the UK and Australia for too long, I cannot vote in any elections in those countries, either. My accountant in New Jersey does complete my taxes each year, covering income, expenditure and assets in all three countries, on which I pay taxes. Talk about taxation without representation!
Arguably the WA in its current state was approved by the voting public in December 2019 (albeit with the largest minority at 43.6% of the votes), so the current WA with the customs border in the Irish Sea is the "Will of the People" and the Johnson government intends to go against that. The Internal Markets Bill also makes a landgrab for rights back from the devolved administrations so apart from risking peace in NI is more likely to lead to increased calls for Scotland (and even Wales) to leave the UK.
I was hugely in favour of Remain but I can’t understand why anyone’s arsed about Brexit anymore. It’s a tiny, inconsequential drop in the ocean of lockdown.
No Deal is predicted to knock another 8-10% off what is left of the economy after the effects of COVID. And if you think either are bad, wait until you find out about the long term effects of Climate Change - which are likely to involve making Doncaster a seaside resort, Central London an aquarium and big chunks of the world uninhabitable.
Well ladies & gentlemen, I’ve read some ***** on hear but scoff has just topped the lot!!! Not even going to comment on the Brexit scaremongering comment, but to mention Doncaster being a seaside resort because of climate change is just plain ludicrous!!!!! Think it’s time to stop standing with your mates in Extinction Rebellion in the middle of the road blocking newspaper printers and join the real world!!!!
I think you are underestimating the effect that having no trade deals will have on the economy - its more of a double whammy its certainly not inconseqential- though Covid and the way it is being handled is currently more significant.
The 'real world' doesn't rely on the climate change deniers of the Telegraph. Have you any idea how flat it is between here and Cleethorpes? Have a look when the hottest recorded 10 years occurred, if you still believe the world isn't getting hotter having seen that, then there's no hope you'll understand much else.
I read an interesting paper which was used in some newspapers. After drilling a major ice shelf they found underneath that warmer water was circulating. They believe it will break away within the next 75-100 years. It's the size of Western Europe and would cause flooding to the extent @Scoff states. It will cause sealevel rises which will result in major flooding around the world unless extensive defences are built. In such instances you can protect a major city like London but you'll send the further up or down stream. So flooding in towns and cities inland isn't so far fetched, especially those built on land which is liable to flood.
Have a look into it Pontyrich. Look at the amount of ice melting or breaking off each year, and look at the sea levels already rising. Extinction Rebellion are right, but they get involved in silly things that cloud the important and valid point that they have (like tagging statues, for example)
And back on the issue of a US trade deal..It's not just chlorinated chicken: five foods a US trade deal could bring to the UK | Nick Dearden http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/02/chlorinated-chicken-foods-us-trade-deal-uk-eu
https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-failed-eco-pocalyptic-prediction. I remember predictions of a up and coming ice age when we were at school in the seventies, I also remember prediction during the eighties that by the year 2000 we’d be a desert here and the ozone layer would be decimated, There’s no doubt that the last ten years have been warmer , whether or not it’s man what’s caused it I honestly don’t know but given previous predictions during my lifetime I am sceptical, I’m not a denier and I do my best to follow any advice on climate change but I do lean more towards these climate changes being part of the earths natural cycles rather than CO2 emissions I also think the main cause of the rise in CO2 is more down to the felling of trees in places like the Amazon rather than us driving our cars, summat got to be done if they really are clearing an area the size of Wales every year
Brilliant. The worst thing about this is that the leave campaign used getting us out of the EU's TTIP deal as an incentive to leave! Now we're hit with an even worse deal with the US - makes sense really now that we don't have any collective bargaining power. I say it every time on the Brexit threads: Leave voters, they lied to you! (Trade with the EU won't be harmed, we'll not have border checks in the Irish sea, etc)
The lies were many - I don't know what it takes though for 'the majority' to realise the real outcome and admit they were duped. Even the language around that makes it unlikely. To football - I'd like to see a Venn diagram of Leave Voters and those who don't trust our board, those who believe we're desperate to sell all our talent. The same emotions drive the opinion, mistrust based on circumstantial evidence and no hard facts.
Not wrong there. Yorkshire is full of countryside and hills so when we are away at Glanford Park, the journey is like another world with how flat it is over that way. Global warming is something that we should all be worried about and people shouldn't be denying it like Trump does. Look at some of the weather lately in California with the record Death Valley temp a few months back and then again with how hot it's been in California this week.
The thing that I don’t understand about this drive for a no deal Brexit is who is funding it? Tories don’t do anything unless it lines their pockets, so what’s in it for them? They have demonstrated no end of times in their short time in power that they don’t act on principle, or for honourable reasons. So what is driving it? Maybe they are creating an English National Party that can do anything they like as long as they are wrapped in the English flag? Just like Trump is turning the Republican Party into an American National Party. This scares me, because if it carries on and catches on, we’re back in 1914.