Very patchy performance so far. We've had some spells where we seemed to be improving, but Barnsley Old Boys have definitely been the better side overall.
We haven't played well the last few times we've played Luton. Doesn't sound like we've created a thing, with the referee being the cherry on the turd cake. Need to be better second half.
Poor referee. Plenty of effort, not much football from us. Luton winning the physical battle so far. Woodrow ineffective, bordering on being a liability. Jordan Williams on course for MoM. Think I'd give Frieser a run for 2nd half. Might give us more bite up front.
Luton decent, they won't struggle this season. Bring Frieser on for Simeos, Schmidt for Chaplin and Thomas for Ritzmaire during the course of the second half to go for the win.
For me, nothing to get excited about, both defences on top, neither goalie had a worthwhile shot to save and the referee has been truly dreadful.
Was always going to be a difficult game One or two players giving the ball away too cheaply. Back 3 playing well overall & Ludwig looking good down the flank. Ritz having a decent game too. One bit of brilliance or mistake may win this. I'd settle for a clean sheet to start the season off, hopefully a narrow 1-0. I guess the Freezer may get a run out at some stage, maybe for Simones, with Cauley taking up his normal position at the tip of the diamond. Maybe Schmidt on for last 20?
Williams so far MOM, Reds not really clicked yet. Luton being competitive. Luton had best chance Collins hit over. Ref very petty strange decision's. Nearly paid the price when Mads misplaced a pass when playing out from the back.
Lots of loose passing but both Ritz and Simoes most guilty of giving the ball away. What a shame the ref bought Pearson’s blatant lunge at Ritzy though, giving the foul against us. Could have been a goal for us from that position
Even game my opinion the final 3rd is letting us down once again .some strange decisions by this Aussie ref ...let alone the 2 bookings... Luton look more comfortable on the ball out of the 2 but theres time for that to change ...get an early goal this second half and I think we might see the game open up more the point of a good margin of goals for bsly