Will not be the same.... https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/bbc-bosses-axe-question-sport-22673215
Not seen the new line up, but even before it's announced I have a feeling that any new format will be inferior to the present line up. The three incumbents certainly appear to have " chemistry" and in television or any other form of entertainment that's a rare quality.
Good. I used to love question of sport when it was two teams trying to beat each other (and having a bit of a laugh too) but for some reason it changed into a big raucous group of people screaming and shouting and laughing and trying to out silly each other. I say for some reason, it's because they saw the success of a league of their own and tried to copy it but failed miserably. It's been failing for years so it needed big changes
i hope so. The numbskulls will have a hissy fit and that will be funny. As for it not being the same it’s being going 50 years, comments like it won’t be the same are just daft.
Yup, why the hell should the lesser people like blacks , disabled & gay people be allowed on our tv screens? Surely tv companies realise these sort of people can't possibly be the equal of white, Aryan folk?* *
Black and disabled I'm reluctantly ok with but how dare you suggest allowing a homosexual on my TV? It will be women next
It's disgusting that people other than white heterosexual men should be employed! Anyway, excuse me for a while, as I have to attend a meeting with like-minded men, who are absolutely not privileged, white, ignorant, racist, intolerant bigots.
Is it still on. Thought it finished when Emlyn and Bill stopped doing it, now that was a show back then
Yesterday was a bad drying day, sheets are still damp. Be with you once they're out of the tumble dryer.
My wife had mine out drying on the line this morning. She had to do as she's told because I'm a real man and I hate all women, blacks, gays and disabled. But don't call me ignorant, bigoted or racist, as I get really upset when people do that.
Personally I have no problem with whatever or whoever , I hope most of the usual comments( certainly mine was) are aimed at the BBC who always seem to take these thing to the nth degree to prove they are more upright and upstanding than anybody else rather than just the right reason.
To me, it's a non issue if a long standing programme decides to refresh those who are on it. But yet again when it happens, it's the same section of society complaining. Personally, I think that attitude's pathetic and am quite happy to say so. If it also angers/upsets the 'political correctness gone mad' brigade, good.