This winter is going to be a nightmare. The amount of coughs and colds that go around means loads will be isolating at any one time. The government have had 9 months now to prepare for this winter and we’re miles off where we need to be. I can see a disaster coming over the next few months.
My eldest had picked up a cold at school. He was coughing in the night like he always does when ill. He gets a blocked nose so when he lays down it all gathers and makes him cough. No fever or coughing in the day. He has gone to school.
Sincerely hope he gets well soon and let’s hope that’s all it is. When we get our test results we will know whether my daughter just has a common cold or not
Thanks I'm very confident it is, no symptoms of anything else and fine in day apart from a blocked nose. Hope you and your family are all well too.
Daughter told teacher she was feeling tired and a bit dizzy and warm (it's hot outside and she's been awake since 4am). She's been sent home and toldshe cant return without getting a test.She's got none of the symptoms and i feel like a fraud asking for one on the test site when she doesnt have any. Ordered a test kit so will wait for it to come in the post.
Yes thanks, just waiting the results. We went to the Courthouse car-park walk-in and had tests at 2pm. I was advised we could expect results in 24-48 hours. Workmate text me today and said someone had a test at Noon on Friday and got their results at 10:00pm last night. Hopefully won’t be long now,
If people are washing hands properly, social distancing, wearing masks and observing the other preventative precautions then the incidence of cold should be a lot lower than normal years. I did read yesterday that there is a 185000 test backlog including a number sent to France or Germany and a few that have been lost. The number of tests needed in the last two weeks have overwhelmed the system completely.
Whenever I get a proper cold, which is usually once/twice per year, 90% of the time it starts with a sore throat, into a cough then all the snotty nose etc. If that happens this winter I’ll have no choice but to self isolate.
Keep trying/ refreshing, they release slots periodically throughout the day. I tried about 3 times before getting a slot. If you’re based in/near Barnsley book Courthouse Car parkone. You can park your car for free as they’ve cordoned off a section of the car park. It didn’t take long at all 10-15 mins. Hope your daughter is ok
That is true you’d hope but with the way people are carrying on at present it will be like any other winter.
Cheers will do. There's nothing wrong with her. She's had something to eat and feels fine (explains the dizziness), temperature has been checked and is perfectly ok. She's more upset that her Mum now cant go to work tomorrow.
got a test done for my lad other day; just awaiting the results. he had a bad cough and very high temperature but no cold/runny nose etc... just pitched up at the one in town about 7pm and got straight in no fuss. rang school this morning to say he wont be in, nor will my other 2 daughters as per government and NHS guidelines to stay home and no go anywhere; to which i was told my daughters need go in until the test results come back! so if schools cant keep to the rules whats the hope for anyone else?
Wow, seems they’ve got that badly wrong. Surely, you isolate until the results are known and show clear.
i hope so; we've not sent them in though. I suspect the results will come back negative but if they didnt and my other kids were at school we would have been responsible for spreading it further.