No, I think wearing a mask can’t be good for you long term, especially the non surgical/fashion ones. Your breath is full of bacteria so it surely can’t be good for you to breath it back in? Theres bound to be side effects.
Operating theatre staff wear them for hours on end without issue don't they? If they're safe enough for a surgeon to perform intricate surgery in they'll do for me. I have to wear one for 13 hours a shift too: it would be bliss only to have to wear one whilst popping in to the shop
There has been research in the US finding that there are some side effects from wearing surgical masks, these are mostly confined to skin issues. I’m not sure if the same has been carried out for non surgical as some of the fashion masks are either no use at all or very restrictive
Some colds are caused by corona viruses, same transmission as Covid-19. So if you’re getting another bug other than Covid-19 you’re doing something wrong. It could just as easily be Covid-19 you were catching. Not being judgemental, unfortunately school and work both give rise to unavoidable risk. All we can do is work on reducing whatever risks we are forced in to. up the reds down the virus (and Wednesday)
I'm not trying to belittle you mate, but you have more bacterial microorganisms in your body than cells, they make up to as much as 3% of your body weight and play a really important role in keeping us healthy. The stuff exhaled onto your mask isn't a big deal honest. Some people may indeed get a rash or suffer dermatological irritation from wearing masks made of certain materials over long periods. But you won't get ill directly from wearing a mask.
The worse thing you can do for your immune system is be locked away for months on end -at the point everyone starts interacting everyone s going to get a cold. Unless you have persistent cough, loss of taste and smell, high temperature, I wouldn’t bother with Covid test, it’s just stressing the system. If everyone who gets a cold in the next month tries to get a covid test it’s going to be an even bigger mess the it already is with the testing system.
Under normal circumstances that would be the case. There is no way I would risk spreading the virus just because I think my daughter may have a cold. If she or we have the virus and start mingling I could never forgive myself. Let’s not bother having tests then because we might stress the system. Being key workers we were never locked away anyway. People are dismissing the the virus just because they think it’s probably something else, very dangerous.
Not to worry my wife’s sister decided to go out for a wander on sat with her mum despite her partner suffering with Covid type symptoms we then got a message on sun to say her sister was going for a Covid test but that didn’t stop my wife’s mum from going to visit her elderly relatives - twice that day. You can’t underestimate the power of stupidity.