7000 season ticket holders will see every game at oakwell once they say test pilot schemes.are go.....trust me.......I just hope the same bloke whos done the crowd counting for tax purposes over the years is still in charge ....Lol My logic ... Ask yourself the amount of times they've announced the crowd numbers and you've turned to a mate and said ...is it just me who thinks theres more here than that......no way is there just 10.000 in here lol
Conversely for the Birmingham home game last season, no way was there more than 10k that night. In fact I'd be surprised if there was more than 6k
Depends, does social distancing count from the head or from the closest part of the body? Could be a genius strategy to stop people getting close. Heads unable to be less than 2m apart. Like wearing a big rubber ring
Ya can’t really do a draw. Iv got a season ticket along with my 3 kids, 8, 12, 14, none of which can go without me. What if my 8 year old got drawn out but mine didn’t?? Just because she’s 8 doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve a ticket. Plus my 8 year old hasn’t missed a game at home since she was 5.
Be realistic. For example, you sit with five mates at the game normally. One of you gets picked. You won’t be bothered to go on your own especially if say travelling from a distance, while other mates watch at someone’s house on ifollow. They’d have to agree bubbles and allocate multiples
Very good point. I wouldn't want to go on my own really, I enjoy the social aspect at much as anything else.
Social distancing wouldn't bother me at the football. Have you ever been out with friends and caught a bus or train that was empty. Do you all sit together on each others knees or spread out along the upper deck of the bus or down the carriage flaking out, enjoying the space. When the ground is empty do you sit together or move apart, open your legs and let your bits breath or do you sit on top of each other?
Haha I would assume the 1000 people who have been a season ticket/pass holder the longest without missing a season will probably be all aged 50+.
Haha....just as I expected. I’m in that category but I reckon there’ll be way more than 1000 at 50+ !!
May have to go on away match history too on the clubs computer system to narrow it down further. It can be argued that it would be unfair on younger fans to be 'penalised' for not being alive long enough, but for a one off test game before letting many more back to maybe 25% capacity, the thousand for me should be those who have put the most cash in to the club through the decades.