Maybe not a grab, but he did put his arm across the attacker, a reverse angle on ssn shows it. Never a red, would even have been a soft foul to give, but I think Helik could’ve avoided it completely because he didn’t need to put his arm across.
A foul, a stupid foul and it gave the referee the chance to make a terrible decision. We all know how bad the refs are, players need to stop giving them the chance to get it wrong.
Genrally reading are struggling with barnsleys movement and speed, they to want to slow the game down. This decision has helped them enormously. Ill take 0..0 please! Not a sending off imho ...yet again we seem to be getting old manned.
Look at Joao rolling too LOL. Should of stood on him and given him a reason to. I hate modern day referees, players etc these days
really dont agree I am not even sure its a foul the two were pushing each other but their guy flung himself to the ground once he realised he had no chance of getting the ball. At the other end the ref would have given a foul against the attacker There is just no way that would have been given in our favour at the other end and we all know it
All opposing players have to go to ground when they're within proximity of a Barnsley player. Then it's always a foul.
When you see view from behind goal he puts his arm across him and pulls him back. Yes a foul but not a red
Don't put yourself in that position in the first place. Agree it was a shocking decision but just let Walton clear the f ecker.
last week Walton gets a leg breaker of Collins and jumps straight up, Joao rolling around like a dog in fox ****
Correct mate, no need to even attempt to grab Joao when it was clear Walton was going to deal with the ball.
Exactly my thoughts, if it was Chaplin going through at the other end and there was the same contact then we'd be screaming for a red card. Helik should never have given the ref an opportunity to make a decision as Walton had it covered.
I wouldnt have been - It never even occured to me it could be a red as Walton had easily got there first - Im still not convinced it was much of a foul though I can understand why the ref might have thought it was And how is that not a yellow card for the guy who just cleaned Chaplin out from behind
Ref indicated a pullback, very soft red as likely Walton was going to clear without the need for the slight pull.