These young uns always leave me with a lump in my throat. If you get the chance check em out on their videos. Voted 3rd best choir ( professsional or amateur) in the World. Wish I could get to see em in concert. Oakwell would be a fitting venue. So proud of these kids who represent our town. I salute you young uns please watch and enjoy. It’s powerful .
Brilliant that mate. Would be fantastic to get them at Oakwell. Would be great acoustics if they were housed in the North stand.
Thanks for posting this. Barnsley Youth Choir are amazing and a wonderful credit to Barnsley. I was fortunate enough to see them, last October, in a joint concert with Drakensburg Boys Choir, and what a memorable performance it was. They are a real inspiration to many young (and not so young) people in and around Barnsley. We should, quite rightly, be extremely proud of all they stand for and achieve. I no longer live in South Yorkshire and when I speak to folk where I live now, and tell them of BYC, suffice to say that most are rather surprised. Let's not forget that this choir puts Barnsley on the world map in a most effective and positive way.