I would hope everyone would agree that the lack of anything even approaching an adequate track and trace system is negligent on a colossal scale. Other countries highlighted the importance and benefits of such a system early on and yet we're months down the line and still nowhere near. The delay, dithering and cronyism will have seriously harmed both public health and the economy and on its own should be enough to guarantee that this sh1tshow of a government gets nowhere near power next time.
My MP Steph Peacock got Johnson to suggest that track and trace didn’t save lives in house of commons. Wow!
Absolutely. It’s criminal. the nhs has a robust track and trace system (sexually transmitted disease) but my understanding is that this hasn’t been used
Its been run centrally - with lots of it run by Serco with grad students on six month contracts that ended this month. The app still isn't ready - and neither are anywhere near world-beating.
The government gave the job (and £Millions) to their chums to produce a world beating mobile app that would make everything better.....
Track and trace has been ####. But so has the response of far too many people to it despite its #####ness. A good and well thought out system will not work in this country. "It's agenst us civil libity innit"
If we'd looked on Ebay, I bet we could have got a decent secondhand track and trace system from South Korea. It might have had a few dents and scratches, but at least it might have been capable of actually tracking something.
First they downplayed the role an app would play in track & trace (after spending millions on something they were told wouldn’t work). Now our inept PM is trying to suggest that contact tracing doesn’t have a role at all. SAGE gave the target of 60% of positive cases already being in isolation thanks to track and trace. That would reduce the spread massively because people are taking themselves out of circulation before they even get symptoms. But they’re not being held to account on this.
Yes there is already a fully working track and trace system run locally but there is no money in that for Boris' mates so they invented a brand new one that doesnt work but cost millions The media has given them far too easy a ride on this stuff with one or two honourable exceptions
Aye the one trialled in IOW is supposed to be available to download from tomorrow.... It was referred to only last week by the government. And it's not been mentioned since as far as I can tell...