"move the bread and toilet paper to the entrance and I'll get the girls to put regular announcements about covid cases rising. People will panic and we'll have the best figures in the area." Irresponsible ****s
He was a she you sexist pig But no definitely wasn't joking, she was deadly serious. She started the conversation by asking one of the employees what bread sales had been like this morning and when they said they were ok but nothing special she came out with that quote.
If thats really what he said and there isnt some missing context thats just beyond words - He must be a tory Anyway Panic buying Loo rolls I can sort of understand as they can keep for ever but panic buying Bread makes no sense at all - you would be better off stocking up on flour and yeast
Well she is making a poor decision because if I walked to the entrance and saw 1 solitary loaf and a couple of packs of toilet rolls I'd walk back out again and not do my shop. If however I was already in the store I'd have bought other things so would carry on.
It'll be one of the managers that shouldn't be allowed to manage their own hands. Every place has them, and you think you must talk a good game at interview, because you are so crap at your job, and you couldn't do the job lower down the pecking order, now **** off to and so something useful and don't let customers over hear you. Going on a bit of a tangent, but it reminded me of the "manager" when we were waiting for the ship from Hull to Rotterham. The queue started to build, and she but on a post voice and announced to everyone "oh, I'm so sorry for the delay, it's a sign of the times" making out it was because there was a delay scanning baggage. Two issues with that love. One we didn't have these checks on other visits, including our return trip, and two, YOU have just swapped everyone's duty as the queue was at it's peak. Now **** off and do something useful rather than standing there letting everyone know you're the (****) boss. / rant
It's noticeable that on Amazon within the last 24 hours, the prices for bulk Kleenex tissues ( 12 boxes), Andrex toilet rolls (24 rolls) and Regina Blitz kitchen roll ( 12 rolls) have all been increased in price. Must be as a result of media speculation of stockpiling leading to shortages probably.
I know why their figures are low. I went the other day and the trolley queueing system they employ is ridiculous. There must have been up to 40 people queuing up and down 3 aisles. I put my stuff back and walked out. This has not the been the case recently at brampton morrisons where they have suspended this ludicrous system. I just cannot see the advantage in such a system. They are forcing people to stay much longer than necessary in confined spaces. People cannot get to the goods in these aisles unless you queue. The only advantage I can see is to morrisons where they need less till staff. Why they have returned to this system I don't know. Staying longer in the supermarket surely outweighs any possible transmission through the normal process. Its been working fine over the summer. I won't be returning until some more sensible system is in place. If anyone can explain the benefits then please do so, I just cannot see what advantage there is in it.
Don't surprise me In a tory (as long as om okay) britain. All us normal people have been played. My regular shopping basket use to come to 100 an odD quid now it comes to 170 odd quid since the pandemic for more a less the same items. I usually do click and collect
This sounds like the sort of thing you'd see on a local Facebook group, alongside reports of gypsies stealing peoples kids
I cant eat bread as im too fat and i like to crap in the shower and shove it down the plughole with the wifes toothbrush. No panic buying from me.
Honestly mate do you think anyone would put out an announcement like that. I’d piss missen laughing and tell her/him to take a walk if they were being serious. Laughable all the same. Ps if it’s Morrison’s cortonwood I’ll find find out myself in the next hr or 2. In fact I’ll confront the manager and ask. And tell her/him. My thoughts. TBF id had thought you would have.?
I heard her with my own ears. The call she suggested putting out was along the lines of covid cases are rising and so it is extra important to adhere to social distancing, wear masks etc. The actual announcement she was suggesting was barely different to the one I've literally just heard in home bargains except with the one sentence added in front
Haven't been in Morriosns for months for the exact reason you give. It was pathetic. I found Aldi about the best during all the restrictions.