Whilst normally it is unwise to make one's mind up on a legal case without having seen all the evidence but the facts speak for themselves. Someone woken up in the dead of night, totally unarmed and shot multiple times by police spraying bullets around like confetti. What would have been said if a small child had been in the house and fatally wounded. (although Cameron states " only one bullet proved fatal" !!!!!) Kentucky Attorney General Mr Cameron held a news conference to explain the decision, saying: "This is a gut-wrenching emotional case. "Each [case] is unique and cannot be compared," Cameron said: "There will be celebrities, influencers, and activists who having never lived in Kentucky, will try to tell us how to feel, suggesting they understand the facts of this case and that they know our community and the commonwealth better than we do. But they don't." Police and gun laws are completely out of control in USA. They are the only facts of the case we need to know.
When an entire adult population effectively has access to guns it is no wonder both civilians and police get trigger happy sometimes. The debate in the USA won't focus on guns per se though even though that's the crux of the issue ( or it seems to be)
Alternatively. Someone known to be involved with criminals fails to tell her new partner about her involvement and allows him to have guns in the house. The police have a no knock warrant and when they enter the home they are shot at. They return fire and the woman who associates with criminals gets shot. Sorry but the one up for murder should be the bf who shot at police forcing them to return fire. Or should he get a free pass because she hadn't told him she was into dodgy **** and should expect the police?
What a load of toilet. The person on the warrant was already in custody elsewhere. Would you be ok with other extra judicial killings? Say, farage for his breach of election law on referendum night? Tommy ten names for mortgage fraud, assault and spousal abuse? Our PM for illegally trying to prorogue parliament? All the tax Dodgers just shot outright?
Simple question. Was she intentionally shot or was she shot accidentally when police returned fire on a gunman who was trying to kill them?
Weird int it, over 16500 murdered in Venezuela last year and you dont hear a peep about it yet the press and British public drone on and on about America?
In the context of a country where guns are accepted as self defence tools I think it's justifiable to shoot when a load of plain clothed armed police burst in for a no knock raid without announcing themselves as police. The entire situation is f*cked and a great demonstration of why their gun laws are mental.
It is. It really is. I just think that the jumping on this and trying to get the police done for murder is bonkers. They were being shot at, at that stage of course they fired back. You've got the BBC droning on about it constantly, the world's media focusing on it. Lewis Hamilton claiming it was a racist murder and yet the video u showed a couple of weeks ago of a completely innocent man being gunned down with his hand in the air 3 seconds after answering his front door gets absolutely no coverage. You either have to make a song and dance about EVERY police killing and actually look at the circumstances leading to those deaths or you have to just shut up and accept it happens in a gun crazy country. The jumping on her death simply because of her skin colour is absolutely crazy and creates a racial divide. Innocent white guy killed by police whilst surrendering, oh well. Black woman accidentally shot by police returning fire at a man shooting at them. Murder, murderrrrrr.its hypocrisy on every level and it's extremely dangerous.
This will be yet another thread where the actual facts relating to the incident are manipulated or interpreted according to which side of a widening political fence you sit on. In my opinion you yourself are trying to sit on the fence as best you can. You'll still end up getting shot though, cos there's a bias at play in relation to these matters that's not even unconscious. And it is constantly excercised by those with agendas on this board.
You mean a man with a licenced firearm? Defending himself and his partner from unannounced intruders? So which is it? Only take our guns from our cold dead hands or is it just, ahem, certain groups who aren't allowed to defend themselves? Not forgetting that the police then listed the victim as having no injuries and tried to get her ex to lie about her?