Those on minimum wages will struggle, many millions on UC will be even worse off. The food banks won't be able to cope. Our constitution arrangements are currently not compatible with a membership under Article 49, as is our debt-GDP ratio and a few other measures. And that is after all the insults, lies and other shenanigans from the UK government - would you let someone join if they had spent the best part of 5 years insulting you and causing you lots of expense? (not to mention being obstructive for 20 years before that). We would be tied into the Euro, Schengen and be paying a lot more than we ever were.
We can apply, but any terms offered would be vastly inferior to the deal (opt-outs and rebates) we had. We'd certainly be the (very) poor relations.
You know my thoughts, I'm actually against something which would undoubtedly provide greater job security for me. Covid is one thing; add in Brexit and the economy will fail to recover short and medium term. Crime will rise due to Covid and Brexit because of economic reasons. It's just a massive self inflicted injury being forced on us by uneducated charlatans. The same people in charge will say they support police but it'll be those same people who deal with the socioeconomic impacts caused. They can't say it publicly but they know what's coming.
You don’t seriously think that IF there’s any benefits of being out of the EU the likes of us are going to see any do you? No mate , the leavers have served their purpose with their cross in the box, benefits,,,,forget that!!