BBC News - Coronavirus: Students trapped by 'shambolic' return to university, says union Account from the mother of a student at Glasgow.
Schools & universities back was always going to end up like this. Obviously our glorious leader, Dominic Cummings didn't see it coming. Matt Hancock says "It's that Carole Baskin's fault, the bitch".
Just seen the drunken scenes on the news and young adults having no regard to the seriousness of the situation. And absolutely no social distancing being adhered to. Looking like most deliberately ignoring the advice given out. IMO another full lockdown is not far away.
Daughter's friend went to Leeds last week. Not allowed to mix with anyone outside her immediate flat, all lectures now put online. What is the point? I'd be coming home and asking for a refund.
Universities charging the same price as they usually do, but offering nothing like the full uni experience. What if no vaccine or cure comes around? Should the young put their lives on hold for years? I think they have already been through enough.
In all honesty let them socialise on campus and pass it around each other, get it over and done with before they need to change area again.
TBH loads of students about round here. I can't blame them making the most of things TBH. My business is finished with all this, but I put that at the door of these Tory ********, not blaming students.
Indoor sport - Team games not allowed in groups of more than six Exemptions:- Disability Sport - (the most vulnerable) Children (the spreaders)
Did I read that correctly... Only her flat of 12? Puts the Waltons to shame that does. Goodnight Johnboy, it would go on all chuffin neet.
We had a positive case at school on Thursday and then another one on Friday. Only a few people who sat directly next to them in class have been told to self isolate, everyone else is still expected to go in. We had horrible weather on Wednesday and Thursday and all the plans went to the wall and kids were crammed together at lunchtime, sometimes 8 sat around a two person desk, facing each other and with no masks on as eating. Instructions on windows have gone from them being 'open' to being 'ajar'. I had a mask but keeping 2m (or 1m+) was literally impossible, you can't sort behaviour out or try to move kids to safe distances from each other from 2m away at all times whilst wearing a mask in a noisy environment.
Of course it looked like that, as that is what the journalists have been tasked to find so that's all you see. It's like an article I read from a journalist who quit where they worked at as they said that every new year's eve they were giving a tick list of things to take pictures of such as 'someone peeing in the street', 'someone laid on the floor' 'someone having a fight' etc. etc. They specifically look for these things and they write a story around it, it doesn't mean that's what the majority of people are up to.
It's 10 years almost to the day since I started uni. I feel so desperately sorry for students starting now, and for 2nd/3rd years. The experience is supposed to be one of the best periods of your life. Poor ********.
Thanks for that JD. I should have added that the footage I watched was of students in Edinburgh. But the same twisted scenario obviously still applies.
What about staff Helen. I'm due to have 6 hours in a classroom with 40+ students every Wednesday on from the 7th October. Can't say I'm that keen.
we’ve had one at our work today, all his classmates are having to isolate it, the guy in charge of our Covid policy asked him where he thinks he caught it! I’m still laughing