Imagine if any of these were sung,the P C brigade would go on hyper-boil,we had enough trouble with the mambo one
It's political correctness gone mad, mate. These days if you say you're English, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.
Don't blame it on Boris Don't blame it on Cummings Don't blame it on The Tories Blame it on the public
EIEIEIO Off to get a test we go When we get the virus This is what we'll sing We are the Barnsley We are the Barnsley Let us f###### in.
Locked down so you could hunt Locked down so you could hunt Locked down so you could hunt You f.cuking Tory c*.*.*!
This is what its like to be barnsley....back in the ground as you more emails no more ifollow codes, I follow codes
We've got Coronavirus We splutter at the back Mowatt with a mask on And no one in attack We sell all our best players For way below the best We're off to Barnard Castle To get a f%%%%%g test Allez, allez, allez