I only learned last week that when you breathe through your nose, the majority of airflow goes up one nostril. Throughout the day your nervous system switches your breathing back and forth from one nostril to the other.
When James Bond fans were discussing Pussy Galore, I honestly thought they were referring to the Luton Girls Choir, plus whenever they mentioned Goldfinger, I wrongly assumed they were talking about a gynaecologist.
I found out when I was young, through Wacky Races. One of the vehicles is the Arkansas chugga bug. I had to ask why they were saying Arkinsaw once I saw a picture once with all the vehicles names.
There is a little spinning serrated button underneath pelican crossing control box that spins when it’s safe to cross. For blind deaf people I believe.
The fact that dandelion and burdock where the real ingredients, never imagined that somebody would make a drink with dandelion and never knew that burdock was even a plant
Dandelion and Burdock is my all time favourite pop Higgy, closely followed by Dr Pepper and Irn Bru. When I first joined Doncaster Council, I worked with a female colleague who was married to one of the relatives of the eventual Tory MP William Hague. The Hague family had a pop company in South Yorkshire and from time to time, Joyce used to bring a couple of mixed crates into the office for the staff to enjoy. Sheer bliss, supping copious amounts of D&B, Limeade, Lemonade and Orange every day with our sarnies. Whilst on the subject of pop, I always remember that at one time, ginger beer plants were all the rage. My Dad took it really serious and produced many a bottle of very tasty ginger beer. My Mum finally banished his production line from the house and insisted he moved it into the garage, as the whole process started to pose a risk to us kids due to exploding bottles. Quite often we used to be woken in the dead of night, by really loud explosions coming from the garage area and used to laugh hearing the old man " chunnering" as he made his way downstairs still half asleep to deal with the mess it had caused. Happy family memories.
They are 4 completely different places. Kansas City (NFL team) is in Missouri. There’s also Kansas State which Kansas City isn’t in. Then there’s Arkansas State. Oh and Arkansas which is actually in the state of Kansas. **** Easy to understand.