As a kid remember earwigging 2 blokes ,it was 1980 I think,they were saying Ronnie Glavin was on 500 pounds a week and remember walking away to look in little club shop at back of west stand and thinking wow,if I had that much money I could buy more than just a pen and plastic badge just shows how much money footballers get now though the average wage was 100 pounds a week in UK back then,I am sure most players at our club are on 5 times the average now and the star player much more the saddest thing is all these years,I have never earned that much money in a basic week,so I am still looking at anything of the bottom shelf, those tax disc/permit holders/coasters are looking tempting
Highly unlikely as average wage In 1986 was around £500 and that included the top league. For context Peter Shilton was first player to get £1k a week in 1979.
according to google pint of beer was 35p, loaf of bread was 33p, gosh only the froth on a pint must be tax free in 2020
Good job bread hasn't inflated at the same rate as beer, otherwise sarnies would be a once a week treat!
32p for John Smiths at Wombwell Main, I worked behind the bar and was shocked to find when I went to work at Butlins the following year that it was 54p a pint there!
just over 2 grand Stephen, I reckon he would have been, worth every penny, I am sure they got win and draw bonus back then too
this is interesting site for bit of reminiscing fun
February 1988 David Norman Currie signed for £400 a week and recieved £15000 signing on fee.September 1991 signed for £600 a week and recieved £50000 signing on fee.The signing on amounts were payed in 3 yearly payments, which i think was the length of his contracts.The weekly wage did not count the bonus payments which could be anything up to £300 for a win in 1991.
Absolutely In 1984-85, according to the PFA’s data, the average basic wage in the First Division – as the top division was then called – was £24,934 a year, or about two and a half times the average working man’s salary. With bonuses, it would have been around £36,000, perhaps more. Ive said it before. Emlyn Hughes Highest wage less bonuses. £500 per week. Was with WOLVES. More than he got at Liverpool.
Whatever Ronnie was paid, it wasn’t enough. When you look at how much we pay players who aren’t fit to clean his boots......