There was never much point us bidding much for him when Struber has told the press that he doesn’t think he’s ready. Think Whiteman will end up at Blackburn
Seriously though I do like the way we keep under the radar. And players we sign are mostly never linked to us. I'd hate the gazumped feeling and it's good to know that the players we want haven't generally been "outed". Cos we buy cheap and sell high. Plenty of clubs will sit on the sidelines and wait to see who we are after I'm sure.
Honestly starting to believe we would miss out on players from our u23 team now. The whole recruitment models gone to pot now.
Surely the whole point of having owners who are international business whizzkids is that they can do better than Dave Supporter from Darfield. If they're going for the exact same players as Our Dave (if they gave him access to the spreadsheet) - and are no better at signing them - then what exactly are they offering that the supporters couldn't?
The problem as I see it is that fans clamour for signings & cling to any alleged info as if it is fact & then when nothing happens the club get accused of failure ,when the truth of the matter is that they were never in for these players in the first place , it would be far better if fans just waited for official statements from the club but they won"t , they love speculation & rumour & believe a lot of these simply because they want something to happen .
You're correct, and I agree entirely. However I think rumours are part of what makes being a football fan exciting. If I'm honest, it's part of the reason I've decided to log back on here after 2 years away, because I do like the discussions we have about players who aren't ever going to play for our club. The accusations thrown at the club in terms of lacking ambition etc, as you say, are a bit daft, especially when there's no evidence we've actually been chasing a player.