We are near the foot of the table. We can’t score. We don’t seem to be able to attract the players we need. The owners are quarrelling amongst themselves. We might not have our own stadium. The manager could be about to jump ship. ............. other than that everything is champion.
I feel like you've turned the BBS in to your own little daily 'Dear Diary' escape. It's like having your own column.
I have a lot to say. I’m not just posting on here - I’m using Facebook etc. I’m thinking all the time - does see. Tha should try it.
Wednesday have just signed a striker who would have been perfect for us for allegedly 500,000 from Cardiff.
Things can only get better...maybe, or worse before they get a little bit better and then worse again...
You'd think these successful Billionaire business people you keep championing as the saviours would be able to run a relatively small business a bit better wouldn't you it's almost as though they aren't really all that successful or rich and haven't really got a bloody clue.