Could not believe my ears this morning on t.v. Henry Bonsu who is a black presenter was talking about when Paul Ince split open his head and had it bandaged up in a certain game and gazza said he looked like a pint of guinness.Henry said there was no problem because they were friends and it was funny banter.
Just like me and my mate at work , we call eachother blacky and whitey ..only people who have a problem are the doo gooders
Maybe it's been realised that calling out everything deemed racist isn't the way forward and context needs to be taken into account.
As would most right thinking folk. With respect why would you think you couldn’t believe your ears. It goes on all the time. Most folk can indeed tell the difference. Between genuine banter and offence. Those that don’t have the problem.
Then why all the fuss about old comedy programmes and old comedians.If most folk could tell the difference these wouldnt be banned because they were funny not offensive.
I genuinely believe the PC extremists are as damaging as the racists. In fact, stir it up to give the racists ammo. Some of the stuff said in the the thought BAME and other types of those instances fat. Short. are being offended are a joke. Most of them believe it or not are just like you and me. and can see the funny side. And see the difference. Why do we have to be offended for everyone. If it is an offensive remark by an individual. Then tell em . Embarrass em . Don’t put it onto the rest of us to generalise. South Yorkshire police were negligent in the child grooming saga. Because they thought it would stir accusations of racism etc. When in fact most of those sections of society. Would have backed interventions. What it did do, is place a stigma on that section of society as a whole.
I don't think there is a fuss really is there? You get people saying that some comedy/language should not be used any more as some people may find it offensive. Then you get the other side of the coin where people say "THAT'S NOT OFFENSIVE YOU SNOWFLAKE BRING BACK GOLLIWOGS WHO'S WITH ME"
Because some of those programmes wouldn’t be acceptable today. Some I agree seem ott. But because a minority complain, They put the death warrant on such. I would hazard a guess most folk can tell the difference. Most folk don’t get em banned. It’s the fear of upsetting the as I said. EXTREMIST pc brigade. Do you know of anyone who has ever complained cos I certainly don’t. The people at the top have to make decisions that may not be their views. but would get pilloried by the Minority in some cases.
Love these life were grand in the olden days when we could all be racist and everyone be cool with it... not much fuss is made though really is it?
It's political correctness gone mad, mate. If you say you're English, these days, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.
I think you have to assess each one individually. There has been an overreaction in some aspects (e.g. removing the League of Gentlemen because of Papa Lazarou) but other things definitely deserve it (Bo Selecta Trisha sketches, Bernard Manning etc) "It's just a joke" doesn't cut it as a blanket justification
That's pathetic. How can you encourage racism? Imagine thinking you're going to be more racist because of the "PC Brigade". "What? They've complained about black face in Come Fly With Me? Right that's it, pass me the Swastika love. Time to get this baby up the flag pole"
What I’m saying is if the Police refused to prosecute because of fear of rascism, it can feed the ‘one rule for them brigade’. How many post we’re going around Social media around that time like that, loads.