Why would they want to do that it doesn't fit their agenda. Waths post sums it up, blame the owners if he goes, blame the owners if he stays.
What????? I was under impression from reading on here that Conway and Chien sit at night with a bag of popcorn, picking players from a spreadsheet! All joking aside it’s been done to death on here but it would really good if the club would let someone in charge of recruitment do an interview so show/discuss how it works. Just to put to bed once and for all as some still don’t seem to understand.
I don't really know what went on with Stendel, or the circumstances around Struber talking to clubs, which is why I don't think it can be claimed to be a double standard yet. FWIW I had far more sympathy with Stendel than I have with Struber in relation to transfer dealings. Stendel had his defence ripped apart and lost his captain and top scorer, while Struber has lost one first teamer (so far) in close to two transfer windows, and he's brought in a group of 'his' players. As for your point about needing to quickly appoint a replacement, totally agree.
The club, as far as I’m aware, said nothing until the CEO’s statement. The rumour broke way before that.
I agree about it being a shame. We've now got people saying they is no evidence Struber is talking to other clubs (by proxy) despite his verbal confirmation. Yet believe Stendel was acting illegally due to the word of our "billionaires", without any evidence and no action or official complaint by the club. You can see the contradiction.
This is the crucial difference. We have now diversified into profiting on managers. There was probably no such opportunity with Stendel.
Exactly. When Debenhams, House Of Fraser, Pizza Hut, Pizza Express and many more have/or pushed to amend their property leases due to the downturn, they have been backed. A lot of these are now on turnover linked leases, rather than fixed costs. So when Barnsley FC try to do the same, in order to protect the long-term of the club, they get criticised. Remember, the Oakwell move is all about lowering the rent/maintenance costs, not actually moving. The sooner ALL clubs start to operate as proper ‘real-world’ businesses, the better for all. It’ll be a more secure and level playing field for all. In the real world, the Bolton, Wigan and Bury scenarios etc wouldn’t happen. The Banks would have pulled that debt in years before they went bang.
I can't imagine the task of making signings is any easier when there's such uncertainty over who will be managing the team going forward. Similarly, the coaches don't necessarily want the same players from the shortlists they're offered. Look how many of Stendel's signings were marginalised by Struber and the extent to which he was able to bring in his type of player. Both coaches played 'pressing' systems, but the two are very different. The next person through the door might have similar thoughts about Ritzmaier, Frieser, Helik, etc, or any of the potential incoming signings we might make ahead of the deadline, which will likely lead to another squad overhaul in the winter transfer window. Arguably, we'd be better off at this stage holding back on signing too many players until the new coach is able to identify his own targets in the next window. However, there are some areas within the squad where we're so thin that we can't afford the luxury of allowing more time, but I imagine its going to be a tough sell to get them over the line right now. Short-term loans might be a solution, albeit we're averse to using them these days.
Board need to grow a pair and give him an ultimatum. Either he buggers off and lets us get on with our season and find a new guy to replace him. Or he commits to us and he and most importantly his agent stops talking to other clubs unless a formal approach is made where the release clause is met.
The worrying thing is the last three managers have / are about to leave because they have advised the club they need a certain type of player to be signed and the recruitment team / CEO have either failed or refused to sign that type of player with Heckingbottom and Stendel it was players with championship experience to assist the young inexperienced players cope with the championship with Struber it's a certain type of players for specific roles.
Or that Stendel talked to them himself rather than through his agent like Struber? If so, whilst there may be a difference legally it amounts to the same thing in my view. And I think GS made a mistake in disclosing it as it's clear that he would have sanctioned such conversations and is therefore confirming he's interested in leaving. It doesn't endear him to fans, he'd have been better saying he's had no conversations. As it stands now irrespective of whether he goes to NY, the questions will continue to come up until he eventually leaves.
There's going to be a meltdown if we lose on Saturday now. There will be people like myself wishing Struber well for the future but p1ssed off that he wasn't placed on gardening leave. I just hope we win so I can wish him well and wave him off with a smile rather than it being tainted. No serious angst from me. He was brought in to do a job and I don't blame him doing what's right for him. Gave me one of the most memorable endings to a season ever.
I'll keep saying it. Struber has 5 of his own signings available to him. Why has he signed Ritzmaier, Frieser and Helik if they don't have the attributes that are needed?
It’s a fair observation tbh. Seems ridiculous he has to tell his players to go out and give everything, and that he didn’t want Brown to leave etc, then he’s being touted around the world by his agent. The whole thing is ridiculous- relegation nailed on for me.
None of them are Centre Forwards of the Moore type which he's asked for doesn't mean they don't fill another hole he saw in the squad Helik for example replaces Diaby Ritzmaier replaces Braher Frieser replaces Brown A new CF is needed to replace Moore we all know that we've know it since August last year we are stiil waiting.