I cannot believe this woman has not resigned yet. What she did was beyond the pale for anyone yet alone a sitting MP. I hear some put forward the idea that you can't have one rule for her and one rule for someone else if you are connected to the British Govt - Dominic Cummings, Robert Jenrick, Neil Ferguson Andrew Bowie and Johnson himself. YES YOU CAN! The standards expected of the SNP should be considerably higher than those of the British Govt. Whether it's 12 months , 3 years or 5 years Scotland is likely to become a sovereign nation and the last thing it needs to import into a new Country are the standards of hypocrisy, sleaze, mistrust, division and incompetence that is a feature of Westminster politics. So come on Margaret - time to go.
Cummings should’ve gone. So should Ferrier. At least the SNP have taken the action that they can, unlike the blond clown.
She's now not an SNP MP. She had the whip removed. That's all the SNP can do. I have to applaud Sturgeon, saw her presser earlier and have to say it was refreshing to see a politician say it wasn't good enough, do all they could, and then encourage the wrongdoer to resign. Such a huge difference to the english side of the border. Even seeing Jenrick doing the media rounds today telling all and sundry that MPs have to follow rules and the law! The brassneck of this govt is unbelievable.
She should either stand down, or put her seat up for a by-election at the first opportunity (by-elections are currently suspended IIRC) and if chosen by her party she can face the electorate in her constituency.
O/T Surprised to read that whilst the SNP have the most seats in the Scottish Parliament they don't have an overall majority. SNP 61 Cons 31 Labour 23 Greens 6 Lib Dems 5 Ind 3. Some constituencies have a Westminster M.P. and an MSP from a different party representing them. But next May the Scottish elections should see a clear cut majority for the SNP and Sturgeon will have a clear mandate to go for another Independent Referendum.
I feel sorry for the virus finding its way in to a crazy Scottish nationalist. Its a ploy to keep some bad SNP news quiet. Possibly the Salmond enquiry or the differing attitudes between Aberdeern and Glasgow when it comes to lockdowns. If there anyone Id want to get the disease its her. Youll have to forgive me for not wishing her well. If she goes through what Boris has then I hope justice is done. I would be more than happy if she was to die of a natural viruss it would take a dangerous nationalist off the planet. Hopefully it kills her. Or perhaps we could give her a cup of bleach. Even inject her with it... That should do it.
Excellent post Dale. But you omitted to include Charlie Windsor who on being confirmed as suffering from COVID made the 600 mile journey to Balmoral. This fact has also escaped the media’s selective memories.
Hello, how much is a room in this London hotel please? £350 per night madam. I’ll have 14 please. I reckon that’s what she was thinking!
God knows, as much as Cummings was/ is an arrogant t1t and should have gone, at least he didn’t use public transport both ways!