It makes no difference if Struber goes. The new guy will do OK for a while with few resources. Then we will have another deja vu Hecky, Stendel scenario.
And then all the board ever say is that the fans are lucky to have a club at all. No ambition and utterly soulless. I wouldn't mind if we put up a fight when individuals look to leave us. Other clubs play hard ball and get what players are valued, sometimes more. We sell for peanuts. There's some serious money gone missing somewhere, too. Being a Barnsley fan over the last few years really has become boring. To think I used to be an happy clapper...
That's OK then. I know the game has changed, but for the first 40-odd years of supporting the club I felt there was always hope....
This is season is reminding me of Simon Davey after the FA Cup run season and Flicker after the survival season. Think someone has said it on here before that Struber is great at motivating the players when it is do or die like the end of last season was, but not so great tactically. Now with 40+ games to go the players can't get the same level of urgency as they had during the run in last season.