I'm not. I'm simply quoting your reasoning as to why we can't compete. I'm not saying you are wrong, in fact I said you are probably right. I'm tempted to say it's a depressing situation, but then again it's only football. Plenty else to exercise the mind currently.
I was only joking. And I agree, it’s depressing, and without the mentality of the mini-season we just had I’m rapidly losing interest
You can go now Struber.....any remaining doubts have gone. It's ok to have a shitty team selection if you get points but if you dont then it's not. Not one shot on target bar the penalty is embarrassing and unforgivable. Our best player shooting from outside the box is Woodrow yet we squander 3 free kicks from that position. Apparently even Adebeyajo is before him in the pecking order and we saw what he could do...row z!. Leaving Chaplin and Schmit on the bench and bringing him on is just madness. I'm not even gonna start on Ritzathingy and his ever presence in the team....time to go.