Seen that sung live a couple of times by ozzie floyd and think floyd - amazing. Makes the hair stand on end if they are good at it. Ozzie floyd singer did a reight job of it. everyone has different tastes
Subjective of course, but Greatest. Album. Ever Saw it performed live in full at Earls Court in 1994 I think, gig that for me has never been topped since.
I think Beyonce is ace too. I genuinely have a playlist that goes from Antony and the Johnsons to Beyonce
That was just A and B covered. When peolke ask me my favourite band I struggle to get out of the A's. Arcade Fire, Anthony and the Johnson, Arctic Monkeys
When you say “sung” ..... you mean screached? Am I even talking about the same thing? My other half just looked at me as if he’d played the finest melody ever . I was just hoping he would turn it off. The noise was horrible. We are talking about the same thing?
Can I suggest you give their "Wish You Were Here" album a try. It's far and away my favourite Floyd album. But for heaven's sake don't put it on shuffle, you'll ruin it.
The later ones are the best, they’re thinner than the early ones so they mould into basins, ashtrays etc better when you warm them up.
There's no accounting for taste. You probably wouldn't enjoy Kid A by Radiohead which f*cling exceptional
Wow that’s some sexist drivel. When me and Mrs F got together and combined record collections Dark side of the Moon was one of the few duplicates we had