Hoped sign 4/5 quality players say by to GD and hello to Paul Cook. Reality sign no one and get Adam Murray in temp charge.
The transfer window only closes tomorrow for international transfers, I believe? Can’t we still deal with domestic clubs for a couple of weeks after? I wouldn’t expect many outgoings if so.
How often do we look at players in British teams lately. Can’t see much happening now. But we never know
Its going to be difficult to recruit anyone decent when we havent got a manager to explain his thoughts to them on how he see them integrating in to the team. Struber going has been commo knowledge for a while, probably longer to people within the game, this may be a reason why new players pulled out from signing recently. The manager has to be an important part of a transfer.
Just passing this on ...leon wobschall (yorkshire podt) quoted as saying there would be more incomings than outgoings this week. No idea where he gets his info or if its true just quoting him.
If Carlsberg did transfer windows:- In Left Footed Central Defender Left Back Robust Central Midfielder to allow Mowatt and Styles more licence Strong Physical Striker who can hold the ball up and have others play off him Striker with real pace Out Diaby (nowt against him but I think he just needs the case to be over and to get into a different environment possibly on loan) Ritzmaier (I will drive him anywhere this side of the Urals for free) Bahre Miller Victor As Conway does our transfer windows I am resigned to nobody in or maybe one signing from the Moldovan Under 12 Sunday League after a struggle to be able to afford his pocket money.
I'd settle for them all out except Diaby, and in I'd settle for a tall striker, and a CDM tbh. Everything else is optional