Thats a truly bizarre comment and surely can't be the reason he's going to Schalke? This transfer deadline day gets more surreal and obscure by the minute! Partly because its not even deadline day!
It reads to me like he's suggesting we have sent him back to his parent club which of what I've heard is true and that he's gone on loan to schalke, may be true!
Are they deliberately trying to antagonise us? A) Does Murphy really think we'll believe this was our decision? B) If it was our decision, then that's mental, and it makes us look amateurish in our dealings/planning. C) Did no one at the club think about this before dribbling out that Americanised drivel?
I think it's bizarre, but attempting in some way to understand it then maybe Killian hasn't been 'with it' since he knew Struber was leaving? Which was probably a couple of weeks ago. His performances have been deteriorating but then so have most players'!
Jesus wept. There are plenty of other players FAR more guilty of being 'inconsistent' than him. This club is laughable. They will actually lie about anything. Ffs
You could be right. If both ludewig and ritzmaier only want to work with Struber, they could have made this clear and forced a move / termination of the loan.
I'm not saying I am right. Just trying to make some sense of why we'd terminate his contract so he could join FC Shalke
I can understand players may form a better relationship with a certain coach/manager, and certainly, one that shares their native language. But like you say, it's been a pretty wretched start to the season and most of the team has been chopped and changed and underperformed. But to say we've sent him back at the moment he signs for a Bundesliga club has got to be stretching it. Theres a very weird feel about things at the minute, at just about every level. Who knows how it will end up getting spun?
This then ontradicts Murphy's past comments explicitly stipulating that players were not signed on the basis that the current manager wanted them, or was "their player" so to speak. So which is he lying about?
Dane do us a favour and **** the spin off for 5 minutes will you mate? You’re making out that we’ve sent him back to his parent club after 4 games due to inconsistency? It’s got nothing to do with Schalke then? Or Struber leaving? “Struggled” in the article announcing he’s leaving is a sh*t thing to say about one of our main players last season and a lad who chose to come on loan to us again this season. Embarrassing from whoever came up with the article and not too dissimilar to the 21 word article announcing Stendels departure
They didn't need to say anything, so why the need to have a dig at his performances is anybody's guess.
Can you not remember the Harvey Barnes or the Drinkwater deals , loans get recalled on a regular basis , nothing to beat the club up over this one .
Funny innit, how I bet the majority of fans trust a fellas words off twitter (they'd never heard of two weeks ago) over the clubs CEO.
Proper tinpot that. He wasn't good enough for us but has the number 2 shirt at Schalke. Aye, alreyt. Dane would probably have claimed that we bombed Hourihane out to Villa because he didn't effect enough steals in the midzone or put enough shots on frame or summat.
Funny innit, how I bet the majority of fans trust a fellas words off twitter (they'd never heard of two weeks ago) over the clubs CEO.
Plus Dane's statement suggests that we're willing to write off players who have previously proven themselves after a few bad games (and I wouldn't say he's been particularly bad this season anyway.) If that were true (which it clearly isn't) it'd be a truly barmy way to approach transfers.
Yes, but the club are saying "we" have sent him back due to inconsistency. Different. Then he signs for Schalke
It feels a bit petty now I think about it. Murphy: Gerhard, you called us unambitious. Well.... well..... (long pause for thought)..... Kili stinks of poo and is uncommitted.... so we're sending him back, so ner. Gerhard: But he already signed for Schalke, yah.
A totally unfair and unnecessary comment. What on earth are they thinking putting out tripe like that and presumably expecting us to swallow it? That's not how we do things here Dane, and you said you'd learned that lesson after Stendel. Lot of respect lost here.