I'm gutted because when we were in league 1 Conway was vocal and mixing with fans and I honestly thought these guys want the best for us and we will one day be in the Premiership again... Now... They are destroying us. At present our manager is going when only weeks ago he was crying on TV showing his love to the club... Now... Weve got ground and ownership issues. The manager is leaving. Players are still being sold.. We don't support our managers with there requests for quality or experience. Our CEO faces the rap... Our owners hide. We need new owners or James cryne to buy us back
To be fair, Cryne is at the centre of the spreadsheet nonsense. Get the impression he likes to play real life Football Manager.
I get that things haven't been good but this idea that they are "destroying" us I mean.. It's no worse than when they weren't here. Anyone that says otherwise isn't telling the truth. I've been a fan almost 15 years and we've always sold our best players and been a "yo-yo" team in that time. Staying the same doesn't equal destroyed.
Cryne found some good finds abit back conor, winnall, scowen, mawson, Robert's, davies, pinnock etc....... every signing is a gamble but recently green, miller, victor, ritzmaier, freezer and the rest havent been great.
I’d say they are destroying our reputation as an admirable smaller club with good working class values. * The Stendel Statement * The treatment of Ludewig * The lengthy stand off not talking to fans * The internal wrangling and non payment of agreed fees They are detached from the fans and couldn’t give a hoot about it.[/QUOTE]
Different strokes for different folks. My values are 1) Be in the Championship. 2) Stay in the Championship.
There's been some right flounces today. Our 11 is good enough with the right formation and head coach picking the right players. We've lost a Head Coach that couldn't buy a goal nevermind a win. A left back that wasn't ours. A midfielder in Ritzmaier that doesn't even like himself and Jacob Brown who ran about n' jumped high. Hardly time to slash our wrists.
We've lost a manager who sorted the leakest defence. When the manager publicly says our owners don't have the same ambition speaks volumes
It's not Barnsleys status as a perceived yo yo club though is it? It is the INTENT of the current owners. Their true motives in buying a smallish football league club in northern England must surely be apparent by now (and its not because they like down to earth Barnsley folk). Patrick Cryne sold out because he was very poorly and getting desperate to find a buyer. These capitalist chancers utilized that fact to get their mits into a possible money-making venture. BFC is having it's soul ripped out.
Where to start. I go back a lot further than you and you are certainly right in saying we have always sold players. You may also be right about the ‘yo-yo’ bit, although that’s certainly not always been the case (as witnessed by our presence in the second tier for more seasons than any other club). But this is the first time in my experience that the club is embroiled in at least one legal wrangle between the owners of the club. The first time that statements have been made about the ownership of the stadium and the land that have been immediately refuted by the other involved parties. The first time that we have had a player who appears to have been permanently suspended, for unspecified offences, with the club seemingly either powerless or unwilling to do anything about it. The first time a manager (sorry, Head Coach) has been dismissed, with an offensive statement issued, and a threat of legal action against another club threatened. Which was then apparently not pursued. The first time that a manager (sorry, Head Coach) is voluntarily leaving just a few weeks into a new season because a release clause has been triggered ???. But who then decides, as a parting shot, to take a sideswipe at the club’s owners, suggesting that they have no ambition. And, the first time I can recall the club making such an offensive statement, as it has today, regarding a young player who is taking the opportunity to move to a major club in Germany (and who is not our player anyway). Never dull is it?
Not one person buys a football club especially in this country, especially a ub such as Barnsley seeing poundsigns.. This idea is laughable really.. From the word go, the message was always a long term gradual plan. It's not their doing the manager wants to rejoin the RB franchise. Struber knew the clubs recruitment policy before signing, no point whining now tbh. Plus, same folk moaning on here about bringing in foreign players from random leagues, should be happy that we haven't done that this transfer window. In fact, if we are to strengthen before 16th October, they will now be from EPL of EFL.. Now taking Murphy at his word, he said we would defo be strengthening our attacking options. Questions can be asked afterwards if that doesn't happen.. We all need to keep in mind outside the prem, their has been a very muted transfer window, probably down to clubs being under the cosh from covid19. Get Danny back for a third term.. people say never go back.. But nobody never says don't go back after going back again haha. Plus didn't he bring in Hourihane and Winnall. Same again plz.
If y If you're implying my views are laughable then I thank you for your patronizing attitude. Cheers. (If youre not patronizing me I apologise for misreading). Any business or asset can be viewed as a potential profit maker by someone willing to take on the risk of purchase. That's what the current ownership did. As to your other comments I'd mainly disagree with your views on Wilson. Can't surely go in for Danny again!!
Forgot to mention that it's also the first time I can recall the club's owners discussing the possibility of moving our home games away from Oakwell...
Not implying anything, just basically around the notion that Barnsley could be a cash cow for an owner is the bit that's laughable, would take a serious lack of business sense for a buyer to think that. Which chairman was it who said fastest way to become a millionaire is to be a billionaire and buy a footy club lol.. Only way I think Barnsley could become a cash cow would be to make that massive gamble and invest say 40 million into the squad hoping quality will get us promoted then cashing out post promotion to the prem, stripping us of funds.. But that is the gamble that unless you are a lifelong Barnsley fan and also a billionaire prepared to wipe out that debt if the gamble failed will never happen.. It is too much to risk, ie the entire future of the club. So far I guess it has to be said the long term plan is working due to remaining in the division following promotion (albeit by strange circumstances).. If we were relegated this year, it would have to be argued then, that the strategy is failing. How else can you judge it really apart from at the end ofbthe season. It will ring alarm bells should we not strengthen before 16th October as signing nobody is equally a massive gamble, maybe daft.. As far as managers go, they are replaceable. We havent had a fire sale as some folk said 100% we would.. Just think football is the type of business that you can't call failure until all games have been played.