I fully expected to wake up this morning to find out he'd gone. Why has this not happened? 'His' players have gone, why hasn't he? We've got 2 weeks to the next game - a perfect opportunity for a new man to work with (what's left) of the squad and get to know everyone's strengths, weaknesses and personality. The longer we delay, the longer it's costing us. Also, since the transfer window opened we've lost Thiam, Pinillos, Dougall, Radlinger, Sibbick, McGeehan, Ludewig, Brown and Ritzmaier (off the top of my head). We've also received a substantial fee for Brown. And the 6 million for 'divisional retention'. We've signed Hellik, Frieser, the lad from Liverpool.and Aitchison. Where has the money gone? I can only presume an influx of players arrive before the domestic window shuts? The club is ******.
Agreed. where has the money gone? Or has it been used to fund the purchase of the club (well, the part that they are willing to pay) ?
Surely the money is currently going to fund the day to day running of the club given that our income stream has been decimated? As to why Struber is still here I have no idea. Whether he's any good or not I don't know. We never seem to keep managers long enough to find out if they're good or lucky or bad or unlucky. He needs to be out the door pronto though so we can move on.
We are entitled to a payout from NYRB that's why I presume it's not yet finalised. He is as good as gone and hopefully the new manager has already started in the background.
Obviously this is true. But 6 million? Plus 2ish million for Brown (probably in instalments too so it'll drip feed in)? Plus huge amounts saved in wages? Plus the fact that Conway stated that players contracts were already accounted for in one of his interviews last year? There's some money somewhere.
Most if not all will have been used to maintain the ground. That's what they say is the biggest expense at Grove Street.
Explain how our income has been decimated ? 8000 season passes sold single match day passes home and away being bought by people, casuals , people who may not have been able to get to matches at grove street because of travel distance or work. No match day costs i would argue that we could be making more money as things stand
The season tickets were heavily discounted weren't they? The day passes are being sold at a tenner rather than 20 odd quid for attending a match.
Dane said a week or so ago there was money available to buy players and that was before this week when player or players were sold or loan deals returned back home potentially freeing more money up you seriously think someone is going to pay single match fees of 20 odd quid to watch a stream and a buggy stream at that how much would that be up to a thousand pounds for all the matches
Twitter seems to suggest it's only personal terms hadn't been agreed yet, so he's clearly demanding more money from them or guarantees. It must be done though with us shipping his players out.
You said we were better off because casual fans were buying 10 quid match passes. Those same fans would have been paying 20 quid plus to actually attend. Given that every article I've read since covid about clubs outside the Premier League facing massive financial challenges in the current situation I'm gonna go with that.G We may have some money put aside to buy players. But a lot will be earmarked for filling the hole in income. That's my opinion anyway.
made up for by a reduction in police costs / match day staff etc. Everything at the ground is franchised so no losses there. We actively discourage walk up customers so while there are kisses there and with the away fans not sure it’s 9 million woods worth when you factor in the savings on wages. I can understand the reticence but we do need a couple of quality players in.
i'm not saying we've lost everything, just that our income stream is reduced and we're still paying for academy, staff wages, player wages etc. Again, every club in the country outside the top division is supposedly being impacted. I don't see how we're any different.
Traditionally, when a manager leaves a club the fans are generally told. I know this lot don't like us, but still.
I don’t disagree and certainly understand not wanting to do anything crazy but if we aren’t to have another embarrassment of a season we need 2/3 quality players and a couple more decent squad players.
You need to add malik Wilks fee plus his wages too! I strongly suspect we will delay as long as possible as it will save a few bob...ie. one or two weeks wages for the new coach.
P.s as to the club actually discouraging walk in customers I absolutely agree. Prior to moving over here I lived in Chester for eight years. The prospect of knocking myself out racing through work on a Saturday morning to then drive two hours and be asked to pay premium rates for one of the worst seats in whichever stand I chose to go in was not a huge motivator. The club should be trying to tempt casual supporters in not alienate them.