For a season ticket refund in your eyes? Or will you stick by them no matter what? From my point of view, I’d normally stick by them when actually attending the ground. Issue is at the moment, my Saturdays are getting spoilt just like before but hasn’t involved getting pissed with my mates before and after, adding up to a class day out.
I renewed my usual three tickets believing I was buying into something good (once the Covid crisis blew over). But it now feels like donating to the RSPCA only to find your donation is actually funding the IRA.
This is a potential problem for the club who may have to budget for this , fans are demanding the club splash the cash but if we have a poor season & the fans are not happy then I expect the same fans who want the club to spend will be expecting & asking for refunds .
What grounds will people be asking for refunds? More likely question is what does the club need to do to make sure plenty turn up at Oakwell if/when they can next season
Yes I agree, whilst we can all speculate as to whether we want a refund, I don’t think we’ve any rights to get one. We all knew the situation when buying, the club made it clear and massively reduced the price accordingly. They aren’t legally bound to refund I wouldn’t think, and I don’t think they will feel morally bound to do so either. We knew what we were buying - and, crucially, we knew who we were buying it from. They haven’t changed. I wouldn’t ask for my money back anyway, just to add to that. If they started refunding everyone it’s just less and less money in the club, and another player or two to be sold to plug the gap. They aren’t going to fund the club, they don’t have to, and to be fair never said they would. Taking money back out of the club as a fan would be to me hypocritical of anyone who accused them of taking money out - of which there is no evidence of happening at all, the accounts suggest quite the opposite. I feel disillusioned with the lack of incoming players. I don’t like the way the club communicate, and I’m not a huge fan of the method of operation - but they haven’t moved any goalposts, they haven’t promised funding then pulled the rug out from under us, the club isn’t on its knees financially. We need to be careful what we wish for. If they sell, they won’t have any consideration as to who they are selling to, over and above the highest bidder. We could (and likely would) end up with either a flaky investor like a Chansiri or the mob that ruined Wigan, and possibly end up bankrupt in league two or worse in five years - or, a local businessman who has good intentions but hasn’t got a clue and ruins us just as badly, like Bury. I don’t particularly like these owners, I certainly don’t like how they go about certain things. But they are here and my support for the club isn’t conditional on that changing, and I can’t see that changing too soon anyway. They wouldn’t get their money back just now for a start.
Wouldn’t demand a refund but there’s no way I’m going to continue putting more money into this club the way it’s ran now. Personal choice.
I would imagine legally I'd get a refund for my sons ticket as he hasn't actually received any benefit from it as we cant go to matches. Mine is different as I've got the ifollow code.
How can you ask for a refund just based on the fact they will say the supporters ban could be lifted at any time. A customer which is what we are (they have said they are a business we are there customers) asking for a refund is a million miles from a investor having to fund there own business the comparison is ludicrous can anyone name any business that's ever existed big or small that doesn't or hasn't had to fund itself by injecting cash either through directors owners money or loans they have said we are a business and it has to stand on its own too feet i presume from that if the Premier league did agree to bail out the EFL they would refuse any monetary help on that basis
I don’t think we have much recourse. Last season was different as no one could have predicted the ban on sporting events. Anyone who renewed, knew the score. However I think renewals next season will plummet, unless things change dramatically.
That's the thing. The board need to turn this round, so there's a bit of optimism around the place when fans can come back in proper numbers. It doesn't need to cost much either, just a bit of competence and honesty would help.
It's a myth our owners are billionaires and if we asked for our cash back I would worry about our future. We may not have a club to whinge about so the current sorry mess is better than the alternative. I wouldn't like to ask for cash back, the club goes under and I know my actions played a part in that. Anyway we don't support the board or the players as they change all the time. We support the only constant which is the club itself.
By buying your season ticket you are investing more money in the club than the actual owners themselves......
Still struggling to find grounds upon which to ask for a refund. Its all very 'Wensdah' this asking for a refund business.
I'm absolutely furious with the owners at present, but I bought the season ticket on the openly advertised basis that there was no guarantee that we'd be able to attend games with it this season, at a time when I was also furious with the owners, and in the expectation that it would be for a League One campaign. That was a gamble I was willing to take at the price offered. No matter how much they continue to mishandle the club's affairs, as I see it, I think it would be extremely disingenuous to try to undermine the nature of that deal by seeking a refund of my season tickets (mine and two junior ones). The consequences of what they do will impact my decision to buy a ticket for next season, and to continue to spend money at the club in other ways (merchandise, etc), but they've done nothing to breach the terms on which this year's season ticket was purchased.
I honestly think that the real issue is next season. I have grave doubts that I will allow myself to be taken for a mug yet again.