Not content with destroying our hospitality industry this is a humdinger from Sunak that those in the arts should retrain and get proper jobs So none of this people enjoying themselves or generating large amounts of revenue in this way - we should all work on meaningful tasks and be in bed by 10 I dont think they want us to go back to the freedoms and pleasures we had before - just the ones they control and these actors and music types tend to be far too left wing for our new masters
********. This is a result of this ******* state of limbo they’ve put us in by not taking proper action. Sort it out you ********.
They’ve taken pretty decisive action in shutting down the arts industry to be fair to them. Or are the lockdown supporters now going to claim they didn’t want that as part of the lockdown either?
Of course they didnt. No one who i know who supported/supports the lockdown wanted the government to come out with that.
So - they wanted lockdown, but they want theatres and music venues to be open? Right-oh. Sunak is an utter CU Next Tuesday, but let's be right, this is a logical suggestion for individuals whose livelihoods have been taken away with no foreseeable likelihood of it ever coming back because of lockdown policy.
Done properly the lockdown and with a good test and trace coming out of it wouldn't have lasted this long nor taken the toll on society these imbeciles have caused . Don’t confuse a proper response to lockdown to the one this lot of blithering idiots have imposed on us .
Of course I supported closing down the arts industry. To leave it open would have been ridiculously stupid. The problem is that by not closing everything down, the virus never left circulation. We’re now in limbo, bleeding money and no sign of coming out of the other end. The government tried to appease everyone and ended up appeasing nobody. ******* stupid.
Nonsense. A proper track and trace would absolutely have reduced cases, but it wouldn't have made things "safe", which is what the lockdown fundamentalists demand, and they'd have continued to bleat for the closure of everything.
This is the issue with the current government. Mixed messages, fck this up and turn folk against each other. They're probably sat back pssing themselves as we squabble amongst ourselves. We shouldn't be fighting each other, we should be fighting them.
For how long? I can't believe you still don't get it. Nothing will ever open up again until people are willing to take appropriate and calculated risks in their lives like we have done for the last several millenia.
Isn’t reduced cases enough ? It’s not nonsense at all lockdown was needed much earlier not as long and with test and trace and vigorous rules on isolation .
Fair enough this. Sorry. It just f.cks me right off that people want to disown every consequence of the policies we were belittled six months ago for opposing. You're right though.
The tories are steadily shutting down all forms of public education that would highlight what they are doing. Schools, arts, media, TV: they are trying to make sure that no one thinks or can think for themselves. I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, but, damn people, what are we sleepwalking into here?
We’re not belittling anything tbh this didn’t have to be and lockdown itself is not to blame it’s the shambolic way it was handled
That’s the Tory’s ! Not the principle of a proper thought out lockdown and aftermath which we were a million miles from receiving.
With respect mate, the thing you’re missing is that absolutely nobody wanted what happened. They ****** it right up. It didn’t have to be like this and it wasn’t inevitable that it was like this.
I'm sorry to break this to you but the public education system is brainwashing . For what it's worth I don't see schools shutting anytime soon apart from on a by lateral individual basis .
It's never going to leave circulation. Ever. It's here to stay just like a multitude of other viruses that cause respiratory illness that we've lived with since our species evolved. You can't blame a government for a virus. All you can do, and this is what we will do eventually, is educate yourself on how best to avoid risk.