Dont apologise. You feel passionately about something that is fcking the country up - you've every right to do your nut about it.
Not quite right . The proliferation of large scale diseases only happened when we became " civilized " and started farming animals . Pretty much all diseases come from animals and the close proximity of humans and animals caused cross contamination . Pre civilization mass diseases / pandemics was a non issue . As with every problem with the human race it's all our own doing .
He should apologise for constantly blaming all of us who supported a lockdown (done properly) rather than the ******* inept government that have made a right balls up of it from the beginning. I don’t know anyone who wanted an ineffective, half arsed and too late lockdown. That’s what we got. And we are suffering the consequences of that now. The ire belongs with these Neo-Nazi imbeciles in government. However because TM never wanted a lockdown in the first place, it’s all of those who supported one’s fault.
It's other peoples' lives - and quality of life - not just me me me. There's a load of slagging off of people who support lock down , but what's the alternative? You going to list your family and friends and check off who should die and who should suffer? All you're doing is the Tories' work for them. It's like Billy Smart's Circus in Downing Street but you're on here having a go at folk who have no say in what gets decided. No doubt it's Corbyn's fault.
Today its an app Track and Trace....tomorrow the need to be your movements are traceable at all times Far fetched so was flying not so long ago in the grand scheme of things.... We are sleepwalking into utopian society They have already managed to divide us on this covid virus.... Nobody denies that covid isn't a true virus it's been around for years nor do we deny its deadly if you are unlucky to catch it ....just like the flu. Can be....and is . If the virus was as pandemic as those in power would like you ..... to believe and was really as bad as it's made out to be.. do you honestly believe we would be seeing those in power keep flaunting the so called rules....they would be the first taking every known precaution to man to safe guard their importance and lives Barnard castle... Italy ...dinner parties ...shooting parties the list is endless New laws have and are being brought in all the time eroding our basic human rights... In my opinion it's just a front for something yet to be revealed.....they are hiding behind Covid But the truth will come out eventually Instead of being led like sheep think for yourselves Hang on a moment ....that's what the elite dont want the world population to do for themselves....ignore that As for masks and sanitizer before entering shops I personally believe it's a good idea.....if only from a hygienic stance....and should be kept up My thoughts and I'm guessing I'm not alone ....that said for every one of me there will be no doubt someone out there that strongly disagrees As for chipping it's being trialed in Sweeden